
2000 on
NT Programmes: 1990

1990: THE CRUCIBLE - Arthur Miller (Olivier)
Oliver Cotton, Sharon Howard, Mona Hammond, Clare Holman, Carol Starks, Bridget Turner, Seymour Matthews, Cory Pulman, Julia Ford, Tom Wilkinson, Elizabeth Bradley, Michael Bryant, David Burke, Zoe Wanamaker, Charles Simon, Paul Moriarty, Peter Caffrey, Peter Stockbridge, Mike Murray, Judith Coke, Keith Bartlett, Paul Shelley, Clare Cathcart, Jennifer Hill; dir:Howard Davies [40pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, photographs, articles etc.] £5
1990: RACING DEMON - David Hare (Olivier)
Oliver Ford Davies (as Rev Lionel Espy), Richard Pasco (as Rt Rev Charlie Allen), Stella Gonet (as Frances Parnell), Adam Kotz, Valerie Hunkins, David Bamber (as Rev Donald "Streaky" Bacon), Michael Bryant (as Rev Harry Henderson), Barbara Leigh-Hunt (as Heather Espy), Andrew Woodall, Paul Moriarty, Malcolm Sinclair (as Rt Rev Gilbert Heffernan), Seymour Matthews, Tim McMullan, Derek Smee, Mike Murray, Raymond Platt; dir:Richard Eyre [36pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, photographs, articles etc.; VG] £5

1990: THE SCHOOL FOR SCANDAL - Richard Brinsley Sheridan (Olivier)
Jane Asher, Alan David, Tacye Nichols, Jeremy Northam, Sally Cookson, Prunella Scales, John Normington, Guy Henry, John Nettleton, Alfred Lynch, Diana Hardcastle, Denis Quilley, Tom Hollander, Oscar Quitak, Richard Bonneville, Stephen Gray, Anthony Renshaw, Douglas McFerran, Celestine Randall, Wilfred Grove, John Holbeck, Raymond Platt, Pooky Quesnel, Derek Smee; dir:Peter Wood [40pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, photographs, articles etc.; VG] £5

1990: THE TRACKERS OF OXYRHYNCHUS - Tony Harrison (Olivier)
Jack Shepherd, Barrie Rutter, Mark Addy, Stephen Bent, Neil Caple, Jack Hardy, Peter Thorogood, Andy Wear, Edna Dore, Brian Glover, Lawrence Evans; dir:Tony Harrison [40pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, extensive illustrated articles, photos etc.; VG] £4
1990: PEER GYNT - Henrik Ibsen (Olivier)
David Morrissey and Stephen Moore (as Peer Gynt), Mona Hammond, Oscar Quitak, David Schneider, John Matshikiza, Jeffrey Segal, Sara Mair-Thomas, Philip Voss, Sandy McDade, Meera Syal, Alison Peebels, Wyllie Longmore, Kammy Darweish, Charles Simon, David Beames; dir:Declan Donnellan [44pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, illustrations, articles, photos etc.; VG] £4
1990: THE WIND IN THE WILLOWS - Kenneth Grahame, adapted by Alan Bennett (Olivier)
Griff Rhys Jones, David Bamber, Richard Briers, Michael Bryant, Terence Rigby, Tim McMullan, Adrian Scarborough, Duncan Bell (The Voice of Pan); dir:Nicholas Hytner [36pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, photographs, excellent colour illustrations, articles etc.] £5

1990: THE GOOD PERSON OF SICHUAN - Bertolt Brecht, translated by Michael Hofmann (Olivier)
Bill Paterson (as Wang), Graham Valentine, Edward Harbour, Jeffrey Segal, Fiona Shaw (as Shen Te), Susan Engel (as Widow Shin), Susan Colverd, Bill Stewart, David Schneider (as The Nephew), Albie Woodington, Richard Bremmer, Colin Hurley, Alison Peebles, Charles Simon, Simon Gregor, Sandy McDade, Stuart McGugan, Pete Postlethwaite, Janet Henfrey, Oscar Quitak (as Shu Fu), Maria Charles, Speedy Choo, Megan Lee, Nicola Slade; dir:Deborah Warner [44pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, photographs, illustrated articles, credits etc.; date on cover (29/3/90), else VG] £3
1990: SUNDAY IN THE PARK WITH GEORGE - Stephen Sondheim (Lyttelton)
Philip Quast, Maria Friedman, Sheila Ballantine, Nuala Willis, Michael O'Connor, Keir Charles, Samuel Woodward, Christopher Line, Marc Bellamy, Marco Williamson, James Nyman, Gary Raymond, Nyree Dawn Porter, Michael Attwell, Megan Kelly, Clare Burt, Aneirin Huws, Nicolas Colicos, Naomi Kerbel, Ann Gosling, Di Botcher, Barry Atkinson, Antonia Boyd, Emily Sault, Ellen van Schuylenburch, Matt Zimmerman, Vivienne Martin, Buffy Davis, Simon Fielder, Stephen Hanley, Erika Vincent; dir:Steven Pimlott [52pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, photographs, many colour illustrations, articles etc.] £6

1990: RICHARD III and KING LEAR (Lyttelton and Tour)
Bruce Purchase, Peter Jeffrey (as Clarence; Gloucester), Ian McKellen (as Richard III; Kent), Theo Cronin, Nicholas Gordon, Simon Blake, Matthew Hearne, Ross Monro, Alex Scott, Joyce Redman (as Duchess of York), Susan Engel (as Queen Margaret; Goneril), Eve Matheson (as Lady Anne; Cordelia), Sam Beazley, Clare Higgins (as Queen Elizabeth; Regan), Peter Sullivan, Stephen Marchant, Colin Hurley, David Bradley (as Hastings; Fool), Brian Cox (as Buckingham; King Lear), David Collings, Richard Simpson, Derek Hutchinson, Richard O'Callaghan, Hakeem Kae-Kazim (as Edmund), Mark Strong (as First Murderer/Lord Lovel/Norfolk; Burgundy), Phil McKee, Richard Bremmer, Nicholas Blane; dir:Richard Eyre (Richard III) and Deborah Warner (Lear) [56pp; 6.4x9.4; cast lists, biographies, photographs, articles etc.; a packed programme] £6

1990: DANCING AT LUGHNASA - Brian Friel (Lyttelton)
Abbey Theatre Dublin production: Gerard McSorley, Catherine Byrne, Anita Reeves, Brid Brennan, Brid Ni Neachtain, Rosaleen Linehan, Stephen Dillane, Alec McCowen; dir:Patrick Mason [36pp, 6.5x9.5; w.cast list, biographies, illustrated articles, production and rehearsal photos etc.; VG] £4
1990: MY CHILDREN! MY AFRICA! - Athol Fugard (Lyttelton)
John Kani, Lisa Fugard, Rapulana Seiphemo; dir:Athol Fugard [8pp, 6.5x9.5; w.cast list, biographies, articles, 8 production photos etc.; VG] £2
1990 (Aug): AFTER THE FALL - Arthur Miller (Lyttelton)
James Laurenson, Marian McLoughlin, Josette Simon, Brigitte Kahn, Garrick Hagon, Jeffrey Chiswick, Trudy Weiss, Lois Baxter, Shelley Thompson, Ray Jewers, Henry Goodman (as Mickey), Alibe Parsons, Paul Gregory, Anthony Renshaw, Bill Bailey, Steve Botcher, John Fitzgerald-Jay, Stephen Gray, Liz Moscrop, Tacye Nichols; dir:Michael Blakemore [36pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, 12 production photos, extensive illustrated article, credits etc.; VG] £4

1990 (Jun): AFTER THE FALL - Arthur Miller (Cottesloe)
James Laurenson, Marian McLoughlin, Josette Simon, Brigitte Kahn, Garrick Hagon, Jeffrey Chiswick, Trudy Weiss, Lois Baxter, Shelley Thompson, Ray Jewers, Henry Goodman (as Mickey), Alibe Parsons, Paul Gregory, Anthony Renshaw, Bill Bailey, Douglas McFerran, John Fitzgerald-Jay, Stephen Gray, Liz Moscrop, Tacye Nichols; dir:Michael Blakemore [8pp, 6.5x9.4; biographies, article, credits etc.; slightly rumpled] £2
1990: ONCE IN A WHILE THE ODD THING HAPPENS - Paul Godfrey (Cottesloe)
Stephen Boxer (as W H Auden), Michael Maloney (as Benjamin Britten), Hilary Dawson, Julian Wadham (as Peter Pears), Deborah Findlay, Anthony Douse; dir:Paul Godfrey [8pp, 6.5x9.5; w.cast list, cast photos and biographies, illustrated articles etc.; VG] £2
1990: PIANO - Trevor Griffiths (Cottesloe)
Keith Bartlett, Kevin O'Donohoe, Peter Caffrey, Oliver Cotton, Penelope Wilton, Geoffrey Palmer, Duncan Bell, Stephen Moore, Stephen Rea, Julia Ford, Basil Henson, Suzanne Burden, Philip Voss, Robbie Engels, Michael O'Connor; dir:Howard Davies [8pp, 6.5x9.5; w.cast list, biographies, rehearsal photos etc.; VG] £2

1990: THE VOYSEY INHERITANCE - Harley Granville Barker (Cottesloe)
David Burke, Michael Bryant, Jeremy Northam, Robert Swann, Guy Henry, Graham Crowden, Morris Perry, Sarah Winman, Stella Gonet, Selina Cadell, Suzanne Burden, Janet Whiteside, Barbara Leigh-Hunt, Wendy Nottingham, Judith Coke, Ian Flintoff, Crispin Redman, Daniel Macklin; dir:Richard Eyre [8pp, 5.5x11.7; cast list, biographies, 6 production photographs, articles etc.; date on cover (1/1/90), else VG] £2
1990: RACING DEMON - David Hare (Cottesloe)
Oliver Ford Davies (as Rev Lionel Espy), Richard Pasco (as Rt Rev Charlie Allen), Stella Gonet (as Frances Parnell), Adam Kotz, Joy Richardson, David Bamber (as Rev Donald "Streaky" Bacon), Michael Bryant (as Rev Harry Henderson), Barbara Leigh-Hunt (as Heather Espy), Ewan Stewart, Paul Moriarty, Malcolm Sinclair (as Rt Rev Gilbert Heffernan), Andrew Woodall; dir:Richard Eyre [8pp, 6.5x9.5; w.cast list, 12+ cast photos and biographies, notes etc.; VG] £3
1990: BERENICE - Jean Racine, translated by Neil Bartlett (Cottesloe)
Owen Teale, Lindsay Duncan (as Berenice), David Haig, Michael Carter, James Fleet, Siobhan Stanley, Kevin O'Donohue, Stephen Amadio, John Downham, Stuart Graham, Matthew Hall, Thomas Law, Tony Poulsen, Phil Simmons; dir:Tim Albery [8pp, 6.5x9.5; w.cast list, biographies, notes etc.; VG] £2
1990: THE SHAPE OF THE TABLE - David Edgar (Cottesloe)
Karl Johnson, Hilary Lyon, Stephen Boxer, Stratford Johns, Oliver Ford Davies, Peter Sproule, Sheila Keith, Andrew Woodall, Christopher Ettridge, Katrin Cartlidge, John Ringham, Alan Brown, Peter Silverleaf, Jacqueline Dutoit, Hatty Perscy; dir:Jenny Killick [8pp, 6.5x9.5; w.cast list, biographies, photos, illustrated articles etc.; VG] £2
1990: ABINGDON SQUARE - Maria Irene Fornes (Cottesloe)
Shared Experience/Soho Theatre Company: Annabelle Apsion, Philip Voss, Pearce Quigley, Elizabeth Bradley, Anna Healy, Christopher Eccleston, Andrew Woodall; dir:Nancy Meckler [12pp, 5.8x8.3; w.cast list, biographies, photos etc.; VG] £2
1990: TARTUFFE - Moliere, translated by Jatinder Verma (Cottesloe)
Bhasker (as Pandit Ravi Varma/Lo-Raam/Afsur), Ayub Khan Din (as Emperor Aurangzeb), Yogesh Bhatt (as Francois Bernier/Tameez), Shelley King (as Durgabai/Sirdaar Insaaf), Shehnaz Khan (as Munmauji/Bibi Pernail), Yasmin Sidhwa (as Almirah), Nizwar Karanj (as Tartuffe), V Chandran, dir: Jatinder Verma [8pp, 5.8x8.3; w.cast list, biographies, photos, notes, credits etc.; VG] £2

1990: BENT - Martin Sherman (Garrick Theatre)
Ian McKellen (as Max), Paul Rhys (as Rudy), Dominic Rickhards, Frank Kovacs, Marek Anton, Stevan Rimkus, Robert Flemyng, Michael Cashman (as Horst), David Phelan, John Atterbury, David Hounslow, Neil Daglish; dir:Sean Mathias [48pp, 6x8.4; cast list, biographies, 10 production photos, articles etc.; VG] £5
1990: MY CHILDREN! MY AFRICA! - Athol Fugard (Arts Theatre, Cambridge)
John Kani, Lisa Fugard, Rapulana Seiphemo; dir:Athol Fugard [32pp, 5.75x8.25; w.cast list, biographies, articles, production photos etc.; VG] £3
NT Programmes: 1991

1991: MURMURING JUDGES - David Hare (Olivier)
Robert Patterson, Jeffrey Segal, Michael Bryant (as Justice Cuddeford), Richard Pasco (as Sir Peter Edgecombe QC), Alphonsia Emmanuel, Tim McMullan, Joseph O'Conor, Lesley Sharp, Paul Wyett, Paul Moriarty, Keith Bartlett, Simon Coates, Judith Coke, Judy Damas, Keith Allen, Paul Bhattacharjee, Sally Rogers, Doyne Byrd, Peter Wight, Sandra James-Young, Royce Hounsell, Tyrone Huggins, Walter Hall, Andrew Woodall, John Adewole; dir:Richard Eyre [40pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, photographs, articles etc.] £4
1991: THE WHITE DEVIL - John Webster (Olivier)
Rupert Frazer, Mark Lewis, David Foxxe, Denis Quilley, Josette Simon, Dhobi Oparei, Gerrard McArthur, Souad Faress, Claire Benedict, T P McKenna, Eleanor Bron, Colin Wells, Robert Eddison, Akim Mogaji, Derek Smee, Martin Potter, James Goode, Ellen Sheean, Mike Murray, Andrew Joseph, Simon Elliott; dir:Philip Prowse [36pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, photographs, articles etc.] £5

1991 (May): THE WIND IN THE WILLOWS - Kenneth Grahame, adapted by Alan Bennett (Olivier)
Griff Rhys-Jones (as Toad), Michael Bryant (as Badger), David Bamber (as Mole), Richard Briers (as Rat); dir:Nicholas Hytner [40pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, photographs, excellent colour illustrations, articles etc.] £5
1991 (Nov): THE WIND IN THE WILLOWS - Kenneth Grahame, adapted by Alan Bennett (Olivier)
Desmond Barrit (as Toad), Michael Bryant (as Badger), Adrian Scarborough (as Mole), David Ross (as Rat); dir:Nicholas Hytner [40pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, photographs, excellent colour illustrations, articles etc.] £5
1991: THE RESISTIBLE RISE OF ARTURO UI - Bertolt Brecht, translated by Ranjit Bolt (Olivier)
Antony Sher, Rupert Frazer, David Ross, Anthony O'Donnell, Nick Holder, Joseph O'Conor, Kate Duchene, Tim McMullan, Peter Wight, Adrian Scarborough, Michael Bryant, Karl Johnson, Paul Moriarty, Sally Rogers; dir:Di Trevis [44pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, illustrations, articles, photos etc.; VG] £4
1991: THE MISER - Moliere, translated by Jeremy Sams (Olivier)
Charles Kay, Adrian Rawlins, Kate Duchene, Adam Kotz, Anthony O'Donnell, Tim McMullan, Eleanor Bron, Linda Dobell, David Ross, Nick Holder, Guy Moore, Samantha Holland, Adrian Scarborough, Joseph O'Conor; dir:Steven Pimlott [36pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, illustrations, articles, photos etc.; VG] £4
1991: RICHARD III (Lyttelton)
Bruce Purchase, David Collings, Ian McKellen (as Richard III), Oliver Grig, Richard Puddifoot, Anthony Mellor, Jack Williams, Joyce Redman, Antonia Pemberton (as Queen Margaret), Helene Kvale (as Lady Anne), Sam Beazley, Clare Higgins (as Queen Elizabeth), Crispin Redman, Stephen Marchant, Derek Hutchinson, Richard Simpson, Peter Jeffrey (as Buckingham), Richard Bremmer, Seymour Matthews, David Beames, Peter Sullivan, Alan Perrin, Mark Strong (as First Murderer / Lord Lovel / Norfolk), Phil McKee, Simon Kunz, Ian Burfield, Nicholas Gordon, Angela Clarke; dir:Richard Eyre [36pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, photographs, articles etc.; VG] £4
1991: THE SEA - Edward Bond (Lyttelton)
Samuel West, Alan MacNaughtan, Ken Stott (as Hatch), Judi Dench (as Louise Rafi), Celia Imrie, David Thewlis, Tim Potter, David Foxxe, Sarah Woodward, Ellie Haddington, Christabelle Dilks, Imogen Bain, Sonya Leite, Karl Johnson, Paul McGrane, Barry Stearn; dir:Sam Mendes [40pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, 17+ rehearsal photos, articles etc.; 10 poems by Edward Bond; VG] £6
1991: NAPOLI MILIONARIA - Eduardi De Filippo, version by Peter Tinniswood (Lyttelton)
Ian McKellen, Angela Clarke, Clare Higgins, Judith Coke, Phil McKee, Antonia Pemberton, Mark Strong, Ian Burfield, Peter Jeffrey, Sam Beazley, Simon Kunz, Geraldine Fitzgerald, Crispin Redman; dir:Richard Eyre [36pp, 6.5x9.5; w.cast list, biographies, illustrations, articles, photos etc.; VG] £4
1991: THE VISIT - Friedrich Durrenmatt, adapted by Maurice Valency (Lyttelton)
Theatre de Complicite: Kathryn Hunter, Simon McBurney, Lilo Baur, Jasper Britton, Richard Hope, Marcello Magni, Eric Mallett, Julianne Mason, Clive Mendus, Mick Barnfather, Celia Gore Booth; dir:Annabel Arden with Simon McBurney [40pp, 6.5x9.5; w.cast list, biographies, illustrations, articles, photos etc.; VG] £4

1991 (4-19 October): GRAND KABUKI: Narukami, Kagami-Jishi and Sagi-Musume (Lyttelton)
The Shochiku Company: Bando Tamasaburo V, Nakamura Kankuro V, Nakamura Kantaro, Nakamura Shichinosuke and large company [36pp, 6.5x9.5; cast lists, illustrated articles, biographies, synopses etc.; VG] £4

1991: TARTUFFE - Moliere, translated by Jatinder Verma (Lyttelton)
NT Mobile Production: Muraly Menon (as Pandit Ravi Varma / Lo-Raam / Afsur), Vincent Ebrahim (as Emperor Aurangzeb / Orgon), Yogesh Bhatt (as Francois Bernier / Tameez), Shelley King (as Durgabai / Sirdaar Insaaf), Shehnaz Khan (as Munmauji / Bibi Pernail), Yasmin Sidhwa (as Almirah), Nizwar Karanj (as Tartuffe), V Chandran; dir:Jatinder Verma [8pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, illustrated articles, photographs, biographies, credits etc.; date on cover (28/10/91), else VG] £2

1991: BLACK SNOW - Keith Dewhurst, from novel by Mikhail Bulgakov (Cottesloe)
Ron Cook, Peter Wight, Gillian Barge, Mozaffar Shafeie, Tom Chadbon, Marion Bailey, Karl Johnson, Sally Rogers, Simon Coates, Kevin McMonagle, Philip McGough, Elizabeth Bradley, Paul Moriarty, Dinah Stabb, Robin Bailey; dir:William Gaskill [8pp, 6.5x9.5; w.cast list, biographies, illustrated articles etc.; VG] £2
1991: INVISIBLE FRIENDS - Alan Ayckbourn (Cottesloe)
Emma Chambers, Janet Dale, Bill Moody, Mark Benton, Claire Skinner, Simon Chandler, Robert Hands; dir:Ayckbourn [8pp, 6.5x9.5; w.cast list, illustrated articles, biographies etc.; VG] £2
1991: THE LITTLE CLAY CART - King Shudraka, version by Jatinder Verma and Ranjit Bolt (Cottesloe)
Yogesh Bhatt, Shelley King, Nizwar Karanj, Vincent Ebrahim, Shehnaz Khan, Stanley Townswnd, Cuckoo Parameswaran, J.D.Kelleher; dir:Jatinder Verma [8pp, 6.5x9.5; w.cast list, biographies, company photo, illustrated articles etc.; VG] £2

1991: WHITE CHAMELEON - Christopher Hampton (Cottesloe)
Nadim Sawalha, David Birkin, Tom Wilkinson, Saeed Jaffrey, Suzanne Burden, Stephen Boxer, Eddy Lemare; dir:Richard Eyre [8pp, 6.5x9.5; w.cast list, illustrated articles etc.; VG] £2
1991: ACCIDENTAL DEATH OF AN ANARCHIST - Dario Fo, version by Alan Cumming and Tim Supple (Tour and Cottesloe)
Tim Potter, Alan Cumming, Mark Benton, Lorcan Cranitch, Trevor Cooper, Emma Hewitt; dir:Tim Supple [8pp, 6.5x9.5; w.cast list, biographies, illustrated articles etc.; slightly rumpled, else VG] £2
1991: THE COUP - Mustapha Matura (Cottesloe)
Oscar James, Norman Beaton, Lennie James, Stefan Kalipha, Gordon Case, T-Bone Wilson, Marc Matthews, Lenny Aljernon-Edwards, Jeffery Kissoon, Tony Armatrading, Maureen Hibbert, Josephine Melville; dir:Roger Michell [8pp, 6.5x9.5; w.cast list, biographies, illustrated articles, credits etc.; VG] £2

1991 (Nov 1991-Jan 1992): REPERTOIRE BOOKLET (National Theatre)
THE WIND IN THE WILLOWS (w.Desmond Barrit, Michael Bryant, Chris Larner, Tim McMullan, Terence Rigby, David Ross, Adrian Scarborough, Derek Smee), MURMURING JUDGES (w.Paul Bhattacharjee, Michael Bryant, Alphonsia Emmanuel, Tyrone Huggins, Tim McMullan, Paul Moriarty, Joseph O'Conor, Richard Pasco, Jeffrey Segal, Lesley Sharp, Peter Wight, Andrew Woodall), THE RESISTIBLE RISE OF ARTURO UI (w. Michael Bryant, Kate Duchene, Rupert Frazer, Karl Johnson, Tim McMullan, Paul Moriarty, Joseph O'Conor, Anthony O'Donnell, David Ross, Adrian Scarborough, Antony Sher), THE SEA (w.Judi Dench, Ken Stott), THE MADNESS OF GEORGE III (w.Nigel Hawthorne, Daniel Flynn, Richenda Carey, Janet Dale, Harold Innocent, Charles Kay, Peter Laird, Matthew Lloyd Davies, Mark Lockyer, Patrick Pearson, Celestine Randall, Nick Sampson, Cyril Shaps, Julian Wadham), THE LITTLE CLAY CART, BLOOD WEDDING (w.Darlene Johnson, Helen McCrory, Josephine Welcome), THE COUP (w.Tony Armatrading, Norman Beaton, Oscar James, Jeffery Kissoon, T-Bone Wilson) [24pp, 4x8.25 full-colour booklet, copiously illustrated; booking info, cast lists, press comment, performance schedule, ticket prices, seating plans, platform performances, exhibitions, National Theatre info, details of tours etc.; VG] £2
NT Programmes: 1992

1992 (Feb): THE WIND IN THE WILLOWS - Kenneth Grahame, adapted by Alan Bennett (Olivier)
Desmond Barrit (as Toad), Michael Bryant (as Badger), Adrian Scarborough (as Mole), David Ross (as Rat); dir:Nicholas Hytner [36pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, photographs, excellent colour illustrations, articles etc.] £5

1992: PYGMALION - Bernard Shaw (Olivier)
Alan Howard (as Henry Higgins), Frances Barber (as Eliza Doolittle), Michael Bryant (as Alfred Doolittle), Gillian Barge, Robin Bailey (as Colonel Pickering), Simon Coates, Alison Fiske, Polly Adams; dir:Howard Davies [40pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, photographs, articles etc.; VG] £4

1992: MURMURING JUDGES - David Hare (Olivier)
Robert Patterson, Jeffrey Segal, Michael Bryant (as Justice Cuddeford), Richard Pasco (as Sir Peter Edgecombe QC), Alphonsia Emmanuel, Tim McMullan, Joseph O'Conor, Lesley Sharp, Paul Wyett, Paul Moriarty, Keith Bartlett, Simon Coates, Judith Coke, Judy Damas, Keith Allen, Paul Bhattacharjee, Sally Rogers, Doyne Byrd, Peter Wight, Sandra James-Young, Royce Hounsell, Tyrone Huggins, Walter Hall, Andrew Woodall, John Adewole; dir:Richard Eyre [36pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, photographs, articles etc.; slightly rumpled, else VG] £3

1992: SQUARE ROUNDS - Tony Harrison (Olivier)
Gillian Barge, Paola Dionisotti, Maria Friedman, Jenny Galloway, Sue Holland, Sara Kestelman, Maggie McCarthy, Myra McFadyen, Sian Thomas, Harry Towb, Arturo Brachetti/Lawrence Evans; dir:Tony Harrison [40pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, illustrations, articles, photos etc.; VG] £4

Allan Mitchell, Lolita Chakrabarti, Rupert Graves (as Lysander), Simon Coates, Indra Ove, Rudi Davies, Trevor Thomas, Paul M Meston, Jeffery Kissoon (as Oberon), Sally Dexter (as Titania), Paul M Meston, Alison Reid, Sarah D'Arcy, Abraham Osuagwu, Alec Westwood, Stephen Beckett, Madana Jones, Steven Beard, Timothy Spall (as Nick Bottom), Adrian Scarborough (as Francis Flute), Brian Pettifer, John Cobb, Marl Hadfield, Dodger; dir:Robert Lepage [36pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, illustrations, articles, photos etc.; VG] £4

1992: THE RECRUITING OFFICER - George Farquhar (Olivier)
Ken Stott, Alex Jennings, Paterson Joseph, Suzanne Burden, Sally Dexter, Serena Evans, David Ross, Callum Dixon, Cecilia Noble, Adrian Scarborough, Desmond Barrit, Chris Larner, Derek Smee; dir:Nicholas Hytner [36pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, illustrations, articles, photos etc.; VG] £4

1992: CAROUSEL - Richard Rodgers, Oscar Hammerstein (Lyttelton)
Janie Dee (as Carrie Pipperidge), Joanna Riding (as Julie Jordan), Anna Nygh, Michael Hayden (as Billy Bigelow), Connor Byrne, David Henry, Patricia Routledge (as Nettie Fowler), Simon Rice, Clive Rowe (as Enoch Snow), Phil Daniels, Kevin Wainwright, Natalie Wright, Joseph O'Conor (as Starkeeper / Dr Seldon), Bonnie Moore, Stanislav Tchassov, Melvin Whitfield, Charles Shirvell; dir:Nicholas Hytner [52pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, photographs, articles etc.] £6

1992: THE MADNESS OF GEORGE III - Alan Bennett (Lyttelton)
Nigel Hawthorne (as King George III), Janet Dale, Michael Fitzgerald, Mark Lockyer, Richenda Carey, Anthony Calf, Matthew Lloyd Davies, Julian Wadham (as William Pitt), James Villiers, Patrick Pearson, David Henry, Iain Mitchell, Peter Laird, Harold Innocent, Jeremy Child, Cyril Shaps, Charles Kay (as Dr Francis Willis), Celestine Randall; dir:Nicholas Hytner [36pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, photographs, articles etc.] £4

1992: THE NIGHT OF THE IGUANA - Tennessee Williams (Lyttelton)
Alfred Molina, Eileen Atkins, Robin Bailey, Frances Barber; dir:Richard Eyre [40pp; 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, photographs, articles etc.] £5

1992: AN INSPECTOR CALLS - J B Priestley (Lyttelton)
Richard Pasco (as Arthur Birling), Louis Hilyer, Diana Kent, Barbara Leigh-Hunt (as Sybil Birling), Vivienne Burgess, Robert Bowman, Kenneth Cranham (as Inspector Goole); dir:Stephen Daldry [36pp, 6.5x9.5; w.cast list, biographies, illustrations, articles, 15 rehearsal photos etc.; VG] £5

1992: LE BOURGEOIS GENTILHOMME - Moliere, version by Nick Dear (Lyttelton)
Timothy Spall (as Monsieur Jordain), Steven Beard, Mark Hadfield, Paul M Meston, Myra McFadyen, Janine Duvitski (as Nicole), Anita Dobson (as Madame Jourdain), Duncan Bell, Adam Kotz, Teddy Kempner, Cathryn Bradshaw, Cecily Hobbs, Ian Caddick, John Cobb, Louise Kerr, Sonya Leite, Nick Mercer, Gerard Salih; dir:Richard Jones [36pp, 6.5x9.5; w.cast list, biographies, illustrations, articles, photos etc.; VG] £4

1992: THE STREET OF CROCODILES - based on stories by Bruno Schulz (Cottesloe)
Theatre de Complicite; dir:Simon McBurney [12pp; 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, photographs, articles etc.; VG] £2

1992: ANGELS IN AMERICA Part One: Millennium Approaches - Tony Kushner (Cottesloe)
Jeffrey Chiswick (as Rabbi Isidor Chemelwitz / Henry / Martin Heller / Prior 1), Henry Goodman (as Roy Cohn / Prior 2), Nick Reding (as Joseph Porter Pitt / Eskimo), Felicity Montagu (as Harper Amaty Pitt), Joseph Mydell (as Mr Lies / Belize), Marcus D'Amico (as Louis Ironson), Sean Chapman (as Prior Walter / Man in the Park), Nancy Crane (as The Voice / Emily / Sister Ella Chapter / Woman in the South Bronx), Rosemary Martin (as Hannah Porter Pitt / Ethel Rosenberg); dir:Declan Donnellan [12pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, photographs, articles etc.; minor marks, else VG] £4
1992: STAGES - David Storey (Cottesloe)
Gabrielle Lloyd, Alan Bates, Marjorie Yates, Joanna David, Rosemary Martin; dir:Lindsay Anderson [8pp, 6.5x9.5; w.cast list, illustrated articles, rehearsal photos etc.; VG] £2
1992: NEEDLES & OPIUM - Robert Lepage (Cottesloe)
A new solo piece, written performed and designed by Robert Lepage [8pp, 6.5x9.5; illustrated articles, credits etc.; VG] £2
1992: KINGS - Christopher Logue (Cottesloe)
Alan Howard; dir:Liane Aukin [4pp, 6.5x9.5; production history, introduction by Christopher Logue, biographies etc.; date on cover, else VG] £2

1992: UNCLE VANYA - Anton Chekhov, version by Pam Gems (Cottesloe)
Antonia Pemberton, Antony Sher (as Astrov), Ian McKellen (as Vanya), Eric Porter (as Serebryakov), Janet McTeer (as Yelena), Lesley Sharp, Karl Johnson, Rachel Gurney, Barry Stearn, Paul McGrane; dir:Sean Mathias [12pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, rehearsal photos, illustrated articles, credits etc. VG] £4
1992: BILLY LIAR - Keith Waterhouse and Willis Hall (Tour and Cottesloe)
Elizabeth Bradley, June Watson, James Grant, Paul Wyett, Nicolas Tennant, Victoria Scarborough, Angela Clarke, Sally Rogers; dir:Tim Supple [16pp, 6.5x9.5; w.cast list, biographies, illustrated articles etc.; minor marks, else VG] £2

1992: THE RISE AND FALL OF LITTLE VOICE - Jim Cartwright (Aldwych Theatre)
Alison Steadman, Jane Horrocks, George Raistrick, Adrian Hood, Annette Badland, Pete Postlethwaite; dir:Sam Mendes [32pp, 6.5x9.5; w.cast list, biographies, 10 production photos, illustrated articles etc.; VG] £4

1992: RICHARD III (US Tour)
Bruce Purchase, Malcolm Sinclair (as Clarence), Ian McKellen (as Richard III), Simon Blake / Oliver Grig / Tom Penta / Richard Puddifoot, Sebastian Brennan / James Graves / Richard Lawrence / Marco Williamson, Rosalind Knight, Antonia Pemberton, Anastasia Hille (as Lady Anne), Sam Beazley, Charlotte Cornwell, Alan Perrin, Paul Bazely, Peter Darling (as Lord Gray / Richmond), Richard Simpson, Terence Rigby (as Buckingham), Richard Bremmer, David Foxxe, David Beames, Tristram Wymark, Tim McMullan, Dominic Hingorani, Phil McKee, Keith Bartlett, Chris Walker, Olivia Williams; dir:Richard Eyre [24pp, 8.5x11; w.cast list, cast biographies, synopsis, illustrated articles, credits etc.; two articles: Directing Richard III by Richard Eyre, and Acting Richard III by Ian McKellen; VG] £5
NT Programmes: 1993

1993: MACBETH (Olivier)
Bridget Turner, Maggie McCarthy, Myra McFadyen, Robin Bailey, Simon Coates, Paul M Meston, Christopher Campbell, Paul Moriarty, Alan Howard (as Macbeth), Clive Wood (as Banquo), Howard Ward, Anastasia Hille (as Lady Macbeth), Doyne Byrd, Harry Peacock / Blake Ritson, Harry Towb, James Laurenson (as Macduff), Ben Miles (as Donalbain/Young Seyward), Sam Beazley, Antony Byrne, Joss Brook, Nicola Redmond, Guy Edwards / Charles Miller, Hannah Snook / Laura Mahady, Mariella Miller / Sammy-Jo Wright, Richard Conway, Marton Chamberlain, Thomasina Unsworth, William Cox, Steven Finch, Judy Damas, Joyce Fenby; dir:Richard Eyre [40pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, photographs, articles etc.; VG] £4

1993: TRELAWNY OF THE "WELLS" - Arthur Wing Pinero (Olivier)
Adam Kotz (as Tom Wrench), Betty Marsden (as Mrs Telfer), Michael Bryant (as James Telfer), Kevin Williams, Steven Pacey, Emma Chambers, Helen McCrory (as Rose Trelawny), Nicola Redmond, Linda Polan, Robert Demeger, Jonquil Cook, Robin Bailey (as Sir William Gower), Ben Miles (as Arthur Gower), Shelley Willetts, Bridget Turner (as Miss Trafalgar Gower), William Chubb, Paul Stewart, Harry Towb, Doyne Byrd, Charles Armstrong, Antony Byrne, Joyce Fenby, Thomasina Unsworth, Roger Bingham; dir:John Caird [40pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, photographs, articles etc.; VG] £5
1993: THE ABSENCE OF WAR - David Hare (Olivier)
Robin Bailey, Paul Moriarty, Clare Higgins (as Lindsay Fontaine), Barbara Leigh-Hunt (as Gwenda Aaron), Richard Pasco (as Rt Hon Malcolm Pryce MP), Adrian Scarborough, Saskia Wickham, John Thaw (as Rt Hon George Jones, MP), Oliver Ford Davies (as Oliver Dix), Michael Bryant (as Rt Hon Bryden Thomas, MP), Tyrone Huggins, Nicholas Day, Judith Coke, Maria Charles, Judy Damas, Doyne Byrd, Edward Clayton, Peter Dineen, Femi Elufowoju Jnr, Chris Gascoyne, Paul Gilmore, Julie Hewlett, Tacye Nichols, Chook Sibtain, Roger Swaine, Robert Tunstall; dir:Richard Eyre [40pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, photographs, articles etc.; VG] £4

Robin Bailey (as Linus Frank), Paul Bhattacharjee, Michael Bryant (as Rev Harry Henderson; Justice Cuddeford; Rt Hon Bryden Thomas MP), Doyne Byrd, Maria Charles, Edward Clayton, Judith Coke, Judy Damas, Nicholas Day, Peter Dineen, Femi Elufowoju Jnr, Alphonsia Emmanuel, Oliver Ford Davies (as Rev Lionel Espy; PO Raymond Beckett; Oliver Dix), Chris Gascoyne, Paul Gilmore, Julie Hewlett, Clare Higgins (as Lindsay Fontaine), Paul Higgins, Tyrone Huggins, Adam Kotz, Barbara Leigh-Hunt (as Heather Espy; Gwenda Aaron), Katrina Levon, Paul Moriarty, Tacye Nichols, Pamela Nomvete, Richard Pasco (as Rt Rev Charlie Allen; Sir Peter Edgecombe QC; Rt Hon Malcolm Pryce MP), Adrian Scarborough (as Rev Donald "Streaky" Bacon; PC Toby Metcalfe; Bruce), Chook Sibtain, Mark Strong, Roger Swaine, John Thaw (as Rt Hon George Jones MP), Robert Tunstall, Saskia Wickham (as Frances Parnell; Mary Housego); dir:Richard Eyre [52pp, 6.5x9.5; cast lists for all three plays, biographies, photographs, extensive articles and commentaries etc.] £6
1993: AN INSPECTOR CALLS - J B Priestley (Olivier)
Richard Pasco (as Arthur Birling), Louis Hilyer, Phoebe Nicholls, Barbara Leigh-Hunt (as Sybil Birling), Vivienne Burgess, Robert Bowman, Kenneth Cranham (as Inspector Goole); dir:Stephen Daldry [36pp, 6.5x9.5; w.cast list, biographies, illustrations, articles, production photos etc.; VG] £5
1993: THE MADNESS OF GEORGE III - Alan Bennett (Lyttelton)
Nigel Hawthorne (as King George III), Selina Cadell, Nick Sampson, Julian Rhind-Tutt, Richenda Carey, Anthony Calf, William Chubb, Matthew Lloyd Davies, William Oxborrow, Paul Corrigan, Julian Wadham (as William Pitt), Jeffry Wickham, Simon Scott, Collin Johnson, Adam Barker, David Verrey, Iain Mitchell, Roger Hammond, Robert Swan, Cyril Shaps, Clive Merrison (as Dr Francis Willis), Celestine Randall, Tony Sloman; dir:Nicholas Hytner [40pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, photographs, articles etc.] £4

1993: CAROUSEL - Richard Rodgers, Oscar Hammerstein (Lyttelton)
Janie Dee (as Carrie Pipperidge), Joanna Riding (as Julie Jordan), Anna Nygh, Michael Hayden (as Billy Bigelow), Connor Byrne, David Henry, Patricia Routledge (as Nettie Fowler), Simon Rice, Clive Rowe (as Enoch Snow), Phil Daniels, Kevin Wainwright, Natalie Wright, Joseph O'Conor (as Starkeeper / Dr Seldon), Bonnie Moore, Stanislav Tchassov, Melvin Whitfield, Charles Shirvell; dir:Nicholas Hytner [52pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, 16 production photos, extensive illustrated articles etc.; a packed programme; VG] £6

1993: ON THE LEDGE - Ian Bleasdale (Lyttelton)
Mark McGann, Dearbhla Molloy, David Ross, Jimmy Mulville, Gary Olsen; dir:Robin Lefevre [36pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, photographs, articles etc.] £3
1993: INADMISSIBLE EVIDENCE - John Osborne (Lyttelton)
Jason Watkins, Trevor Eve, Roger Sloman, Helen Schlesinger, Matilda Ziegler, Lynn Farleigh, Juliette Gruber, Amelia Bullmore; dir:Di Trevis [40pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, photographs, articles etc.] £4

1993: ARCADIA - Tom Stoppard (Lyttelton)
Emma Fielding (as Thomasina Coverly), Rufus Sewell (as Septimus Hodge), Allan Mitchell, Derek Hutchinson, Sidney Livingstone, Harriet Walter (as Lady Croom), Graham Sinclair, Felicity Kendal (as Hannah Jarvis), Harriet Harrison, Bill Nighy (as Bernard Nightingale), Timothy Matthews, Samuel West (as Valentine Coverly); dir:Trevor Nunn [44pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, photographs, articles etc.; w.ticket (1/5/93); VG] £4

1993: MACHINAL - Sophie Treadwell (Lyttelton)
Bill Wallis, James Duke, Lynn Farleigh, Matilda Ziegler, John Woodvine (as George H Jones), Fiona Shaw (as Young Woman), June Watson (as Mother), Alec Wallis, Yvonne Nicholson, Timothy Matthews, David Bark-Jones, Juliette Gruber, Rachel Power, Michael Brogan, Cate Hamer, Michael Bott, Sara Griffiths, Christopher Rozycki, Ciaran Hinds (as First Man / Man), Colin Stinton, Roger Sloman, Marcus Heath, Harriet Harrison, David Holdaway, Allan Mitchell, Paul Benzing; dir:Stephen Daldry [40pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, photos, articles etc.; VG] £4
1993: THE MOUNTAIN GIANTS - Luigi Pirandello, version by Charles Wood (Cottesloe)
Desmond Barrit, Martin Chamberlain, Mitch Webb, Eve Pearce, William Cox, Maggie McCarthy, Sian Thomas, Mark Tandy, Jennie Stoller, Philip Locke, Buddug Morgan; dir:William Gaskill [16pp, 6.5x9.5; w.cast list, illustrated articles, photos, biographies etc.; VG] £3
1993: THE GAME OF LOVE AND CHANCE (Le Jeu de l'amour et du hasard) - Pierre Marivaux, translated by Neil Bartlett (Cottesloe)
Maggie Steed, Caroline Quentin, Trevor Baxter, Stefan Bednarczyk, Peter Wingfield, Marcello Magni; dir:Mike Alfreds and Neil Bartlett [12pp, 6.5x9.5; w.cast list, illustrated articles, 13 production photos etc.; VG] £3

1993: ANGELS IN AMERICA: Millennium Approaches and Perestroika - Tony Kushner (Cottesloe)
Harry Towb (as Rabbi Isidor Chemelwitz / Henry / Martin Heller / Prior 1 / Aleksii Antedilluvianovich Prelapsarianov), David Schofield (as Roy M Cohn / Prior 2), Daniel Craig (as Joseph Porter Pitt / Eskimo / Mormon Father / Europa), Clare Holman (as Harper Amaty Pitt / Africanii), Joseph Mydell (as Mr Lies / Belize / Caleb / Oceania), Jason Isaacs (as Louis Ironson / Australia / Sarah Ironson), Stephen Dillane (as Prior Walter / Man in the Park), Nancy Crane (as The Voice / Emily / Sister Ella Chapter / Woman in the South Bronx / The Angel / Voice at the Mormon Visitors' Centre / Mormon Mother / Orrin), Susan Engel (as Hannah Porter Pitt / Ethel Rosenberg / Asiatica); dir:Declan Donnellan [36pp, 6.5x9.5; w.cast list, illustrated articles etc.; minor marks on cast page, else VG] £5

1993: SWEENEY TODD - Stephen Sondheim, Hugh Wheeler (Cottesloe)
Adrian Lester (as Anthony Hope), Alun Armstrong (as Sweeney Todd), Sheila Reid, Julia McKenzie (as Mrs Lovett), Carol Starks, Philip Curtis, Denis Quilley (as Judge Turpin), Barry James, Adrian Lewis Morgan, Nick Holder, Stephen Hanley, Di Botcher, Antoni Garfield Henry, Megan Kelly, Martin Nelson, Ernestina Quarcoo; dir:Declan Donnellan [36pp, 6.5x9.5; w.cast list, illustrated articles, 9 production photos, credits etc.; VG] £4

1993: Platform Papers No.3: Directors
Three substantial and revealing interviews with leading theatre directors: Stephen Daldry, interviewed by Giles Croft (16 September 1992); Nicholas Hytner, interviewed by Michael Ratcliffe (13 March 1992); and Robert Lepage, in discussion with Richard Eyre (28 May 1992) [Soft-cover, 48pp, 6.5x9.5, pub.Royal National Theatre 1992, reprinted 1994; includes an introduction by Richard Eyre, and biographies of the participants; VG] £5
NT Programmes: 1994

1994: PERICLES (Olivier)
Henry Goodman (as Gower/Leonine), Douglas Hodge (as Pericles), Kathryn Hunter (as Antiochus/Cerimon/Bawd), Anna Pons Carrera, Lennie James (as Thaliard/Lysimachus), Anastasia Mulrooney, Selina Cadell (as Helicanus), Andrew Price, Richard Wills-Cotton, Jennifer Scott-Malden, Susan Lynch (as Marina), Sam Kelly (as Cleon/First Fisherman), Tom Yang, Jordi Cortes Molina, Toby Jones (as Second Fisherman/Lychorida/Boult), David Burke (as Simonides), Joy Richardson (as Thaisa), Philippe Giraudeau, Patrice Naiambana, Gregor Singleton, Caroline Hall, Josh Sello Makhene, Colin Rae; dir:Phyllida Lloyd [44pp; 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, photographs, articles etc.; VG] £5

1994: THE SEAGULL - Anton Chekhov (Olivier)
Judi Dench, Alan Cox, Norman Rodway, Helen McCrory, Robert Demeger, Anna Calder-Marshall, Rachel Power, Bill Nighy, Edward Petherbridge, John Hodgkinson, Jimmy Gardner, John Muirhead, Penny Ryder, Edward Clayton, Helen Franklin, David Holdaway, Michael Shevelew, Derek Smee, Rebecca Thorn, Christopher Wright; dir:John Caird [44pp, 6.5x9.5; cast, charming cast sketches by Chris Riddell, rehearsal photos, biographies, extensive illustrated articles etc.; VG] £4
1994: THE DEVIL'S DISCIPLE - George Bernard Shaw (Olivier)
Richard Bonneville (as Richard Dudgeon), Frances Cuka, Rebecca Thorn, Mark Benton, Paul Jesson, Helen McCrory (as Judith Anderson), Edward Clayton, Penny Ryder, Derek Smee, Judy Damas, Jeremy Swift, Jeremy Sinden (as Major Swindon), Daniel Massey (as General John Burgoyne); dir:Christopher Morahan [44pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, rehearsal photos, illustrated articles etc.] £5

1994: JOHNNY ON A SPOT - Charles MacArthur (Olivier)
Mitch Webb, Colin Stinton, Janie Dee, Michael Bryant, Mark Strong, Nathan Osgood, William Hootkins, Diane Langton, Geraldine Fitzgerald, Berry Stanton, Nicholas Day, James Grout; dir:Richard Eyre [40pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, illustrations, articles, 25 rehearsal photos etc.; VG] £4
1994: THE BIRTHDAY PARTY - Harold Pinter (Lyttelton)
Dora Bryan, Trevor Peacock, Anton Lesser, Emma Amos, Bob Peck, Nicholas Woodeson; dir:Sam Mendes [36pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, photographs, articles etc.] £5

1994: LES PARENTS TERRIBLES - Jean Cocteau, translated by Jeremy Sams (Lyttelton)
Alan Howard, Frances de la Tour, Sheila Gish, Jude Law, Lynsey Baxter; dir:Sean Mathias [40pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, extensive illustrated articles etc.] £4
1994: SWEET BIRD OF YOUTH - Tennessee Williams (Lyttelton)
Robert Knepper, Giles Tomlin, Colin Stinton, Clare Higgins, Richard Pasco,
Marcus Heath, George Anton, Alison Fiske, Emma Amos, Damien Matthews, Diane Langton, Sam Douglas, Sally Giles, Regina Freedman, Paul Birchard, Paul Benzing, Nathan Osgood; dir:Richard Eyre [40pp; 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, photographs, articles etc.; VG] £4
1994: THE CHILDREN'S HOUR - Lillian Hellman (Lyttelton)
Joanne McInnes, Amy Marston, Georgina Sowerby, Alison Fiske, Katy Brittain, Teresa McElroy, Joanna Holden, Emily Watson, Lucinda Raikes, Elaine Claxton, Harriet Walter, Clare Higgins, William Gaminara, Geraldine Newman, Gillian Barge, Aidan Tierney; dir:Howard Davies [40pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, rehearsal photos, illustrated articles etc.; VG] £4

1994: SWEENEY TODD - Stephen Sondheim, Hugh Wheeler (Lyttelton)
Adrian Lester (as Anthony Hope), Denis Quilley (as Sweeney Todd), Sheila Reid, Julia McKenzie (as Mrs Lovett), Carol Starks, Philip Curtis, Christopher Benjamin (as Judge Turpin), Barry James, Adrian Lewis Morgan, Nick Holder, Stephen Hanley, Di Botcher, Megan Kelly, Mandy More, Martin Nelson, Peter Prentice, Ernestina Quarcoo, Rhashan Stone; dir:Declan Donnellan [36pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, rehearsal photos, illustrated articles etc.; slightly rumpled, else VG] £3
1994: MACHINAL - Sophie Treadwell (Lyttelton)
Bill Wallis, James Duke, Lynn Farleigh, Matilda Ziegler, John Woodvine (as George H Jones), Fiona Shaw (as Young Woman), June Watson (as Mother), Alec Wallis, Yvonne Nicholson, Timothy Matthews, David Bark-Jones, Juliette Gruber, Rachel Power, Michael Brogan, Cate Hamer, Michael Bott, Sara Griffiths, Christopher Rozycki, Ciaran Hinds (as First Man / Man), Colin Stinton, Roger Sloman, Marcus Heath, Harriet Harrison, David Holdaway, Allan Mitchell, Paul Benzing; dir:Stephen Daldry [40pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, 14 rehearsal photographs, articles, credits etc.] £4

1994: OUT OF A HOUSE WALKED A MAN. . . - Daniil Kharms (Lyttelton)
National Theatre/Theatre de Complicite co-production: Kathryn Hunter, Toby Sedgwick, Paul Hamilton, Lore Lixenberg; dir:Annabel Arden and Annie Castledine [44pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, photographs, articles etc.; VG] £4
1994: BROKEN GLASS - Arthur Miller (Lyttelton)
Henry Goodman, Sally Edwards, Ken Stott, Julia Smith, Margot Leicester, Ed Bishop; dir:David Thacker [40pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, very extensive illustrated articles, biographies, 12+ rehearsal photos, credits etc.; VG] £4

1994: LANDSCAPE - Harold Pinter (Cottesloe)
Ian Holm, Penelope Wilton; dir:Harold Pinter [8pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, credits, notes, biographies, production photo etc.; slightly rumpled, else VG] £3

1994: RUTHERFORD AND SON - Githa Sowerby (Cottesloe)
Brid Brennan (as Janet), Sean Chapman, Wayne Foskett, Jenny Howe, Tom Mannion, Phoebe Nicholls, Bob Peck (as John Rutherford), June Watson; dir:Katie Mitchell [16pp, 6.5x9.5; w.cast list, illustrated articles, 19 photos etc.; VG] £3
1994: THE MAN WHO - inspired by The Man Who Mistook His Wife For A Hat by Oliver Sachs (Cottesloe)
David Bennett, Sotigui Kouyate, Bruce Myers, Yoshi Oida, Mahmoud Tabrizi-Zadeh; dir:Peter Brook [16pp, 6.5x9.5; w.cast list, substantial interview with Peter Brook, 11 production photos etc.; VG] £3
1994: THE SKRIKER - Caryll Churchill (Cottesloe)
Kathryn Hunter (as The Skriker), Sandy McDade (as Josie), Jacqueline Defferary (as Lily), Philippe Giraudeau, Stephen Ley, Don Campbell, Desiree Cherrington, Melanie Pappenheim, Lucy Bethune, Stephen Goff, Richard Katz, Robbie Barnett, Mary King, Sarah Shanson, Diane Payne Myers, Brian Lipson; dir:Les Waters [16pp, 6.5x9.5; w.cast list, extensive illustrated articles, 16+ rehearsal photos, credits etc.; VG] £3
1994: ALICE'S ADVENTURES UNDERGROUND - Lewis Carroll, adapted by Christopher Hampton, Martha Clarke (Cottesloe)
Michael Maloney, Sasha Hanau, John Carlisle, Gabrielle Lloyd, Joseph Mydell; dir:Martha Clarke [16pp, 6.5x9.5; w.cast list, extensive illustrated articles, 12 rehearsal photos etc.; VG] £3

1994: WICKED, YAAR! - Garry Lyons (Cottesloe)
Jax Williams, Ameet Chana, Ravi Aujla, Robin Pirongs, Jonathan Jaynes, Sharon Howard, Bhasker, Marcus Fernando, Josephine Welcome, Helena Lymbery; dir:John Turner [16pp, 6.5x6x5 (folded sheet); company and rehearsal photos, biographical quiz answers, splendid colour illustrations; a fun programme! designed by Shima Hyde; VG] £3
1994: ARCADIA - Tom Stoppard (Theatre Royal, Haymarket)
Lucy Whybrow (as Thomasina Coverly), Edward Atterton (as Septimus Hodge), Allan Mitchell, Derek Hutchinson, Timothy Kightley, Julie Legrand (as Lady Croom), Timothy Bentinck, Joanne Pearce (as Hannah Jarvis), Rachel Fielding, Roger Allam (as Bernard Nightingale), Simon Blake, Peter Andrew-Barnes, Charles Simpson (as Valentine Coverly); dir:Trevor Nunn [52pp, 6.75x9.5; cast list, biographies, photographs, extensive illustrated articles etc.; VG] £4
1994: AN INSPECTOR CALLS - J B Priestley (Aldwych Theatre)
Edward Peel (as Arthur Birling), Jonathan Guy Lewis, Rachel Joyce, Margaret Tyzack (as Sybil Birling), Georgina Beer, Paul Bettany, Barry Foster (as Inspector Goole); dir:Stephen Daldry [44pp, 6.7x9.5; w.cast list, biographies, extensive illustrated articles etc.; VG] £4
NT Programmes: 1995
1995: VOLPONE - Ben Jonson (Olivier)
Michael Gambon, Simon Russell Beale, Stephen Boxer, Trevor Peacock, Alan David, Rhys Ifans, Matilda Ziegler, Mark Lewis Jones, Cheryl Campbell, Martin Freeman [first professional stage appearance]; dir:Matthew Warchus [48pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, photographs, articles etc.] £4

Denis Quilley, Gerard Logan, John Cater, Neil Caple, Brenda Bruce, Sam Gordon/Lewis Slayden, Richard Moore, Maureen Beattie, Sophie Walker, Richard McCabe, Geraldine Fitzgerald, Geoffrey Freshwater, Alan David, Tim Wylton; dir:Terry Hands [44pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, photographs, articles etc.] £5

1995: A LITTLE NIGHT MUSIC - Stephen Sondheim (Olivier)
Sian Phillips (as Madame Armfeldt), Judi Dench (as Desiree Armfeldt), Claire Cox, Laurence Guittard, Brendan O'Hea, Joanna Riding (as Anne Egerman), Issy van Randwyck, Lambert Wilson (as Count Carl-Magnus Malcolm), Patricia Hodge (as Countess Charlotte Malcolm), Stephen Hanley, Ernestina Quarcoo, Di Botcher, John Owen-Jones, Morag McLaren, Paul Kyman, Kate Dyson, Tim Godwin, Louise Breckon-Richards, Joe Maddison, Sylvia Griffin, Thierry Harcourt; dir:Sean Mathias [56pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, 15 production photographs (many in colour), extensive illustrated articles, etc.; VG] £5

1995: UNDER MILK WOOD - Dylan Thomas (Olivier)
Rachel Bell, Robert Blythe, Di Botcher, Louise Breckon-Richards, Wayne Cater, Alan David, Gemma Douglas, Denys Graham, John Griffiths, Nerys Hughes, Derek Hutchinson, Rhys Ifans, Ruth Jones, Shirley King, Mark Lewis Jones, Nicholas McGaughey, Sara McGaughey, Beth Morris, Anthony O'Donnell, Brendan O'Hea, Lisa Palfrey, Sian Rivers, Steven Speirs; dir:Roger Michell [40pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, illustrated articles etc.; VG] £4

1995: WOMEN OF TROY - Euripides, trans.Kenneth McLeish (Olivier)
Leo Wringer, Robert Pickavance, Rosemary Harris, Josette Bushell-Mingo, Jane Birkin, Philip Whitchurch, Peter McEnery, Janie Dee, Jacqueline Dankworth, Elizabeth Mansfield; dir:Annie Castledine, associate dir:Annabel Arden [40pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, 14 rehearsal photos, illustrated articles etc.; VG] £4

1995: THE WAY OF THE WORLD - William Congreve (Lyttelton)
Roger Allam (as Mirabell), Richard McCabe, Julian Rhind-Tutt, Cyril I Nri, Frank Kovacs, Veronica Quilligan, Sian Thomas (as Mistress Marwood), Fiona Shaw (as Mistress Millamant), Amanda Drew, Kenneth MacDonald, Marianne Jean-Baptiste, Geraldine McEwan (as Lady Wishfort), Catherine Tate (as Peg), Francis Maguire, Anthony O'Donnell, Martin Chamberlain, Naomi Capron, James Hirst, Marianne Morley; dir:Phyllida Lloyd [48pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, photographs, articles etc.; VG] £4

1995: WILD OATS - John O'Keeffe (Lyttelton)
Andrew Sachs, James Bolam (as Sir George Thunder), Benjamin Whitrow, Sarah Woodward, Paul Sirr, Colin Hurley, Alan Cox, Anton Lesser (as Rover), David Ryall, Mark Addy, Mossie Smith, Tenniel Evans, Mark Sproston, Richard Addison, Derek Smee, Stuart Richman, Anne Reid, Simon Markey, Janet Behan, Sadie Shimmin; dir:Jeremy Sams [48pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, illustrations, articles, photos etc.; VG] £4

Adrian Scarborough, Simon Russell Beale, Alan Howard, Callum Dixon, Paul Rattigan, Claudie Blakley, Julian Forsyth, Lois Baxter, Harry Towb, Gareth Vaughan; dir:Matthew Francis [48pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, illustrations, articles, photos etc.; VG] £4

1995: ABSOLUTE HELL (AKA The Pink Room) - Rodney Ackland (Lyttelton)
Judi Dench (as Christine Foskett), June Brown, Corey Johnson, Sylvia Barter, Greg Hicks (as Hugh Marriner), David Horovitch, Elizabeth Bell, Sheila Burrell, Richard McCabe, Alan Cox, Peter Woodthorpe (as Maurice Hussey), Geraldine Fitzgerald, William Osborne, Helen Fraser, Betty Marsden (as R B Monody), Alison Fiske, Mark Payton, Pip Torrens, Barbara Hicks, Richard Addison, Edmund Kente, Penny Ryder, Joanna Myers, Anthony Renshaw, Stephen Botcher, Judith Coke, Kate Dyson, Marianne Morley; dir:Anthony Page [44pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, photographs, articles etc.] £6

1995: THE MAN WHO - inspired by The Man Who Mistook His Wife For A Hat by Oliver Sachs (Lyttelton)
David Bennett, Sotigui Kouyate, Bruce Myers, Yoshi Oida, Mahmoud Tabrizi-Zadeh; dir:Peter Brook [12pp, 6.5x9.5; w.cast list, article by and interview with Peter Brook, 11 production photos etc.; VG] £3

1995: WHAT THE BUTLER SAW - Joe Orton (Lyttelton)
John Alderton (as Dr Prentice), Debra Gillett, Isla Blair (as Mrs Prentice), David Tennant (as Nicholas Beckett), Richard Wilson (as Dr Rance), Jeremy Swift; dir:Phyllida Lloyd [44pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, 10 production photographs, extensive illustrated articles, credits etc.] £5

1995: OUT OF A HOUSE WALKED A MAN . . . - Daniil Kharms (Lyttelton)
Kathryn Hunter, Toby Sedgwick, Paul Hamilton, Lore Lixenberg; dir:Annabel Arden/Annie Castledine [44pp, 6.5x9.5; a National Theatre/Theatre de Complicite co-production; cast list, biographies, photographs, articles etc.; VG] £4
1995: LA GRANDE MAGIA - Eduardo de Filippo, translated by Carlo Ardito (Lyttelton)
Gillian Raine, Marianne Morley, Deidra Morris, Jaq O'Hanlon, Fiona Gillies, Alan Howard, Adam Henderson, Mark Payton, Christopher Ryan, George Raistrick, Anne-Marie Duff, Bernard Cribbins, Alison Fiske, David Ross, Michael Bott, William Osborne, Colin Haigh, Edmund Kente, Naomi Capron, Martin Chamberlain; dir:Richard Eyre [40pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, 19 rehearsal photographs, articles etc.; VG] £4

1995: SKYLIGHT - David Hare (Cottesloe)
Lia Williams, Michael Gambon, Daniel Betts; dir:Richard Eyre [20pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, photographs, David Hare retrospective article (w.36 photographs); VG] £4

1995: DEALER'S CHOICE - Patrick Marber (Cottesloe)
David Bark-Jones, Phil Daniels, Nicholas Day, Tom Georgeson, Nigel Lindsay, Ray Winstone; dir:Patrick Marber [12pp, 6.75x9.5; cast list, biographies, articles etc.; slightly rumpled, else VG] £3

1995: CYRANO - Edmund Rostand, adapted by Jatinda Verma, Ranjit Bolt (Cottesloe)
Tara Arts: Naseeruddin Shah, Andrew Mallett, Yogesh Bhatt, John Leary, Vinny Dhillon, Richard Santhiri, Vincent Ebrahim, Nizwar Karanj, Kumiko Mendl; dir:Anuradha Kapur [12pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, articles, rehearsal photos etc.; slightly rumpled, else VG] £3

1995: TITUS ANDRONICUS (Cottesloe)
Market Theatre, Johannesburg/National Theatre Studio production: Antony Sher, Dale Cutts, Christopher Wells, Dan Robbertse, Duncan Lawson, Jennifer Woodburne, Gys de Villiers, Ivan D Lucas, Dorothy Ann Gould, Bruce Laing, Oscar Petersen, Charlton George, Sello Maake ka Ncube, Daphne Hlomuka, Ricky Rudolph, Paulus Kuoape; dir:Gregory Doran [16pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, article, synopsis, 9 production photos, credits etc.; VG] £3

1995: RICHARD II (Cottesloe)
Fiona Shaw (as Richard II), Graham Crowden (as John of Gaunt), David Threlfall (as Henry Bolingbroke), David Lyon, Paola Dionisotti (as Duchess of Gloucester / Duchess of York), John Rogan, Julian Rhind-Tutt, Jonathan Slinger (as First Herald / Harry Percy), Jem Wall, Henry Ian Cusick, Nicholas Gecks, Michael Bryant (as Duke of York), Brana Bajic, Struan Rodger, Richard Bremmer, John McEnery (as Lord Willoughby / Head Gardener / Keeper at Pomfret), Danny Sapani, Jude Akuwudike, Elaine Claxton; dir:Deborah Warner [20pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, extensive illustrated articles, 20+ rehearsal photos, credits etc.; VG] £4

1995: THE BLUE BALL - Paul Godfrey (Cottesloe)
Dexter Fletcher (as Alex), Mason Phillips, Nigel Terry (as Stone), Nicolas Tennant, Annabelle Apsion, Peter Darling, Pooky Quesnel, George Anton, Sonia Ritter, William Armstrong, Gabrielle Lloyd, Trevor Peacock (as Oliver); dir:Paul Godfrey [16pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, illustrated articles, biographies, 12 rehearsal photos, credits etc.; VG] £3

1995 (Aug-Oct): REPERTOIRE BOOKLET (National Theatre)
Michael Gambon, Simon Russell Beale, Stephen Boxer, Cheryl Campbell, Alan David, Martin Freeman, Trevor Peacock, Robin Soans, Judi Dench, Patricia Hodge, Sian Phillips, Joanna Riding, Lambert Wilson, John Owen Jones, Issy van Randwyck, Nerys Hughes, Rhys Ifans, Anthony O'Donnell, Brenan O'Hea, John Alderton, Isla Blair, Debra Gillett, Jeremy Swift, David Tennant, Richard Wilson, Jude Akuwudike, Brid Brennan, Elaine Claxton, Paola Dionisotti, Karl Johnson, Crispin Letts, John McEnery, John Rogan, Danny Sapani, Jonathan Slinger, Daniel Betts, Lia Williams, Fiona Shaw, David Threlfall, Michael Bryant, Graham Crowden, Struan Rodger, Julian Rhind-Tutt and many others in VOLPONE, A LITTLE NIGHT MUSIC, UNDER MILK WOOD, WHAT THE BUTLER SAW, THE MACHINE WRECKERS, SKYLIGHT, RICHARD II [24pp, 4x8.25 full-colour booklet; w.cast lists, credits, feature on each play, booking info, diary of performances, press comment, ticket prices, seating plans, booking info, NT Platform Performances, general theatre info etc.; VG] £2

1995: BROKEN GLASS - Arthur Miller (Duke of York's Theatre)
Henry Goodman, Francesca Ryan, Ken Stott, Karen Lewis, Margot Leicester, Ed Bishop; dir:David Thacker [36pp, 6.75x9.75; cast list, biographies, production photos, extensive photographic survey of Arthur Miller's plays, extensive illustrated articles etc.] £4

1995: AN INSPECTOR CALLS - J B Priestley (Garrick Theatre)
Nicholas Woodeson (as Inspector Goole), Edward Peel (as Arthur Birling), Susan Engel (as Sybil Birling), Helen Schlesinger, Crispin Redman, Tom Goodman-Hill, Georgina Beer; dir:Stephen Daldry [48pp, 6.75x9.5; w.cast list, biographies, 8 rehearsal photos, articles etc.; slightly rumpled, else VG] £2
1995: DEALER'S CHOICE - Patrick Marber (Vaudeville Theatre)
David Bark-Jones, Phil Daniels, Nicholas Day, Tom Georgeson, Nigel Lindsay, Ray Winstone; dir:Patrick Marber [40pp, 6.75x9.5; cast list, biographies, 15 cast and production photographs, articles etc.; VG] £4

1995: THE WIND IN THE WILLOWS - Kenneth Grahame, adapted by Alan Bennett (Old Vic)
Jeremy Sinden, Francis Matthews, Christopher Strauli, Ian Sharrock, Bob Goody, Stephen Noonan; dir:Jeremy Sams (orig.dir:Nicholas Hytner) [28pp, 6.5x11.75; cast list, biographies, photographs, articles etc.] £4

1995: ARCADIA - Tom Stoppard (NT at Yvonne Arnaud Theatre, Guildford)
Soran David (as Thomasina Coverly), Grant Thatcher (as Septimus Hodge), Allan Mitchell, Colin Stepney, Timothy Kightley, Fiona Ramsay (as Lady Croom), Gregory Cox, Sharon Maugham (as Hannah Jarvis), Charlotte Ruthven, Paul Shelley (as Bernard Nightingale), Oliver Grig, Gideon Turner (as Valentine Coverly); dir:Trevor Nunn, Gemma Bodinetz [48pp, 7x9.75; cast list, biographies, illustrated articles, credits etc.; attractive programme] £3
NT Programmes: 1996

1996: GUYS AND DOLLS - Frank Loesser (Olivier)
Wayne Cater, Clive Rowe (as Nicely-Nicely Johnson), Connor Byrne, Joanna Riding (as Sarah Brown), John Normington, Freya Copeland, Kevin Walton, Katy Secombe, Steven Speirs, Colin Stinton, Henry Goodman (as Nathan Detroit), Tom Hodgkins, Kevin Rooney, Kieran Creggan, Christopher Beck, Kraig Thornber, Anthony Renshaw, John Tobias, James Davies, Imelda Staunton (as Miss Adelaide), Jane Fowler, Suzanne Maria Thomas, Clarke Peters (as Sky Masterson), Rae Baker, Sharon D Clarke, Stanley Townsend, Philip Campbell, Janine Davies; dir:Richard Eyre [52pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, colour rehearsal photos, illustrated articles etc.; minor marks, else VG] £5

1996: MOTHER COURAGE AND HER CHILDREN - Bertolt Brecht (Olivier)
Diana Rigg (as Anna Fierling, Mother Courage), Lesley Sharp (as Kattrin), Brett Fancy, Bohdan Poraj (as Swiss Cheese), Geoffrey Hutchings, David Bradley, Gay Soper, John Bluthal, Tony Selby, Donald Pickering, Gordon Langford-Rowe, Ken Christiansen, Anthony Renshaw, Paul Benzing, Michael Gough (as A Very Old Colonel), James Buller, Cyril Shaps, Patrick Baladi, Angus Wright, Phillipa Peak, Martin Freeman (as Young Man), Sarah Parks, Tamsin Dives, Edward Clayton, Susan Jane Tanner; dir:Jonathan Kent [52pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, photographs, articles etc.; VG] £5

1996: A LITTLE NIGHT MUSIC - Stephen Sondheim (Olivier)
Sian Phillips (as Madame Armfeldt), Judi Dench (as Desiree Armfeldt), Claire Cox, Laurence Guittard, Brendan O'Hea, Joanna Riding (as Anne Egerman), Issy van Randwyck, Simon Burke (as Count Carl-Magnus Malcolm), Patricia Hodge (as Countess Charlotte Malcolm), Joe Maddison, Josephine Baird, Di Botcher, Tim Godwin, Morag McLaren, Frank Kovacs, Kate Dyson, Timothy Armstrong-Taylor, Michele Moran, James Davies, Sylvia Griffin, Thierry Harcourt; dir:Sean Mathias [56pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, list of musical numbers, production photographs and illustrations (many in colour), articles etc.; VG] £5
1996: A LITTLE NIGHT MUSIC - Stephen Sondheim (Olivier)
Sian Phillips (as Madame Armfeldt), Judi Dench (as Desiree Armfeldt), Claire Cox, Laurence Guittard, Brendan O'Hea, Joanna Riding (as Anne Egerman), Issy van Randwyck, Lambert Wilson (as Count Carl-Magnus Malcolm), Patricia Hodge (as Countess Charlotte Malcolm), Stephen Hanley, Ernestina Quarcoo, Di Botcher, John Owen-Jones, Morag McLaren, Paul Kynman, Kate Dyson, Tim Godwin, Louise Breckon-Richards, Joe Maddison, Sylvia Griffin, Thierry Harcourt; dir:Sean Mathias [56pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, list of musical numbers, 25+ production photographs and illustrations (many in colour), articles etc.; VG] £5

1996: THE OEDIPUS PLAYS: Oedipus the King and Oedipus at Colonus - Sophocles, translated by Ranjit Bolt (Olivier)
John Baxter, Suzanne Bertish (as Jocasta; Messenger), Jean-Benoit Blanc, Helen Bourne, Christian Burgess, Christopher Campbell, Michael Carter, Tamsin Dives, Pip Donaghy (as Creon), Peter Gordon, Sophie Grimmer, Greg Hicks (as Tiresias; Polynices), Alan Howard (as Oedipus), Colin Hurley, Jeffery Kissoon, Kathleen McGoldrick, Tanya Moodie (as Antigone), Simon Scott, Graham Sinclair, Jennie Stoller, Clare Swinburne; dir:Peter Hall [56pp; 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, photographs, articles etc.; VG] £6
1996: THE RED BALLOON - Albert Lamorisse, adapted by Anthony Clark (Olivier)
Nicky Adams, Natasha Bain, Nigel Betts, Daniel Crowder, Lucy Dixon, Graeme Henderson, Jane Howie, Joanna John, Katherine Oliver, Naomi Radcliffe, David Rubin, Malcolm Shields, Rachel Spry, Rhashan Stone, Simeon Truby; dir:Anthony Clark [16pp; 6.5x9.5; cast list, list of songs, colour illustrations, biographies, photographs, articles etc.] £3

1996: THE ALCHEMIST - Ben Jonson (Olivier)
Simon Callow (as Face), Tim Pigott Smith (as Subtle), Josie Lawrence (as Doll Common), Adam Smethurst, Jamie Newall, Geoffrey Freshwater (as Epicure Mammon), David Phelan, Paul Connolly, Andrew Jarvis, Pal Aron, Annie Farr, Paul Webster, Jeff Alexander, Richard Bates, Natasha Little, Fred Ridgeway, Jeremy Spriggs, Tony Turner; dir:Bill Alexander [48pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, extensive illustrated articles, 14 production photos, credits etc.; VG] £4

1996: THE PRINCE'S PLAY - Victor Hugo, trans.Tony Harrison (Olivier)
Ken Stott, Catherine Tate, William Chubb, Robert Swann, David Westhead, Kathleen McGoldrick, Iain Mitchell, Dugald Bruce-Lockhart, Michael Bryant, Sean Chapman, Patrick Baladi, Arlene Cockburn, June Watson, Rachel Power; dir:Richard Eyre [48pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, illustrations, articles, photos etc.; VG] £4

1996: Paul Scofield as JOHN GABRIEL BORKMAN (Lyttelton) Postcard
[6"x4" National Theatre postcard; VG] £1

1996: JOHN GABRIEL BORKMAN - Henrik Ibsen, version by Nicholas Wright (Lyttelton)
Eileen Atkins (as Mrs Gunhild Borkman), Amanda Drew, Vanessa Redgrave (as Ella Rentheim), Oliver Milburn, Felicity Dean, Paul Scofield (as Borkman), Anna Livia Ryan, Michael Bryant (as Foldal); dir:Richard Eyre [44pp; 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, 10 production photos, articles etc.; VG] £7

1996: MARY STUART - Friedrich Schiller, translated by Jeremy Sams (Lyttelton)
Gillian Barge, Patrick Godfrey, Isabelle Huppert (as Mary Stuart), Ben Miles, Paul Jesson, Colin Hurley, Seymour Matthews, Anna Massey (as Elizabeth I), Christopher Campbell, Collin Johnson, James Grout, Tim Pigott-Smith (as Leicester), Will Keen, Osmund Bullock, Randal Herley, Jonathan Deverell, Jean-Benoit Blanc, James Nickerson, Sandra Duncan, Naomi Capron; dir:Howard Davies [48pp, 6.5x9.5; w.cast list, biographies, extensive illustrated articles, rehearsal photos etc.; VG] £4

Simon Russell Beale, Adrian Scarborough, Alan Howard; dir:Matthew Francis [48pp; 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, photographs, articles etc.; VG] £4

1996: DEATH OF A SALESMAN - Arthur Miller (Lyttelton)
Marjorie Yates (as Linda), Alun Armstrong (as Willy Loman), Corey Johnson, Mark Strong (as Biff), Louise Jameson, Martin McDougall, Ed Bishop, Colin Stinton, Kate Dyson, David Kennedy, Stephanie Woodcraft, Nicky Ladanowski, Helen Buck; dir:David Thacker [40pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, sketches, 10+ rehearsal photographs, extensive illustrated articles etc.; VG] £4

1996: BLUE REMEMBERED HILLS - Dennis Potter (Lyttelton)
Steve Coogan, Gerard Horan, Nigel Lindsay, Matt Bardock, Robert Glenister, Geraldine Somerville, Debra Gillett; dir:Patrick Marber [48pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, photographs, extensive illustrated articles etc.; VG] £4

1996: STANLEY - Pam Gems (Cottesloe)
Deborah Findlay, Antony Sher, Pip Torrens, Nicola King, Anna Chancellor, David Collings, Selina Cadell, Richard Howard, Stephanie Jacob, Avril Elgar, Nicholas Deigman/Daniel Forster Smith, Robbie Morton/Robert Smythson; dir:John Caird [20pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, 12+ rehearsal photos, very extensive illustrated articles on Stanley Spencer etc.; VG] £5
1996: THE DESIGNATED MOURNER - Wallace Shawn (Cottesloe)
Mike Nichols, Miranda Richardson, David de Keyser; dir:David Hare [16pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, photos, illustrated articles etc.; slightly rumpled, small tear on front cover, else VG] £2
1996: WAR & PEACE - Leo Tolstoy, adapted by Helen Edmundson (Cottesloe)
National Theatre/Shared Experience Theatre co-production: Sam Kelly, Richard Hope, Simeon Andrews, Barbara Marten, Guy Lankester, Peter de Jersey, Anne-Marie Duff, Cathryn Bradshaw, Anny Tobin, David Fielder, Ronan Vibert, Helen Schlesinger, Rakie Ayola, Jonathan Oliver, John Warnaby; dir:Nancy Meckler and Polly Teale [24pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, photos, illustrated articles etc.; VG] £4

1996: BLINDED BY THE SUN - Stephen Poliakoff (Cottesloe)
Douglas Hodge (as Al), Duncan Bell (as Christopher), Frances de la Tour (as Elinor), Indra Ove, Graham Crowden (as Professor), Hermione Norris (as Barbara), Walter Sparrow, Orla Brady; dir:Ron Daniels [16pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, credits etc.; retrospective article about Stephen Poliakoff w.20 photos; VG] £4

1996: LIGHT SHINING IN BUCKINGHAMSHIRE - Caryll Churchill (Cottesloe)
NT Mobile production: Patrick Brennan, Amelda Brown, Tim Crouch, Tina Gambe, Fergus Webster, Tim Welton; dir:Mark Wing-Davey [16pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, illustrated programme notes, biographies, 5 rehearsal photos, credits etc.; light vertical bend, date on cover (19/2/97), else VG] £2

1996: SKYLIGHT - David Hare (Wyndhams Theatre)
Michael Gambon, Lia Williams, Daniel Betts; dir:Richard Eyre [36pp, 6x9; cast list, biographies, photographs, excellent photographic retrospective of David Hare w.35 photos, articles etc.; VG] £4
1996: DEALER'S CHOICE - Patrick Marber (NT at Yvonne Arnaud Theatre, Guildford)
Kieron Forsyth, Steve Nicolson, Nicholas Day, Justin Salinger, Rick Warden, Ken Oxtoby; dir:Patrick Marber [36pp, 6.9x9.75; cast list, biographies, 7 cast and production photographs, articles etc.; VG] £4
NT Programmes: 1997

1997: GUYS AND DOLLS - Frank Loesser (Olivier)
Wayne Cater, Clive Rowe, David Bardsley, Joanna Riding (as Sarah Brown), Jeffery Dench, Freya Copeland, Kevin Walton, Katy Secombe, Alex Giannini, Kenneth MacDonald, Colin Stinton (as Nathan Detroit), Tom Hodgkins, Kevin Rooney, Kieran Creggan, Christopher Beck, Kraig Thornber, Anthony Renshaw, John Tobias, Bryn Walters, Imelda Staunton, Jane Fowler, Suzanne Maria Thomas, Clarke Peters (as Sky Masterson), Rae Baker, Carol MacReady, Duncan Preston, John Stacey, Janine Davies; dir:Richard Eyre [52pp; 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, photographs, articles etc.] £6
1997: GUYS AND DOLLS - Frank Loesser (Olivier)
Wayne Cater, Clive Rowe, Connor Byrne, Joanna Riding (as Sarah Brown), John Normington, Freya Copeland, Kevin Walton, Katy Secombe, Steven Speirs, Colin Stinton, Henry Goodman (as Nathan Detroit), Tom Hodgkins, Kevin Rooney, Kieran Creggan, Christopher Beck, Kraig Thornber, Anthony Renshaw, John Tobias, James Davies, Imelda Staunton, Jane Fowler, Suzanne Maria Thomas, Clarke Peters (as Sky Masterson), Rae Baker, Sharon D Clarke, Stanley Townsend, Philip Campbell, Janine Davies; dir:Richard Eyre [52pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, photographs, articles etc.; minor marks, else VG] £5

1997: PETER PAN - J M Barrie, version by John Caird and Trevor Nunn (Olivier)
Alec McCowen (as The Storyteller), Ian McKellen (as Mr Darling / Captain James Hook), Jenny Agutter (as Mrs Darling / The Never Bird), Claudie Blakely (as Wendy), Adrian Ross-Magenty (as John), Daniel Hart (as Michael), Jan Knightley (as Nana), Liza Hayden (as Liza), Daniel Evans (as Peter Pan), Clive Rowe (as Smee); dir:John Caird with Fiona Laird [56pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, photographs, articles etc.; a packed programme; VG] £6

1997: THE CAUCASIAN CHALK CIRCLE - Bertolt Brecht (Olivier)
Simon McBurney, Juliet Stevenson, Selma Alispahic, Clive Bell, Bronagh Gallagher, Faroque Khan, Jeffery Kissoon, Tim McMullan, Clive mendus, Maggie O'Brien, Robert Patterson; dir:Simon McBurney [44pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, very extensive illustrated articles, photographs etc.; VG] £4

1997: AN ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE - Henrik Ibsen (Olivier)
Penny Downie (as Katerine Stockmann), Marston Bloom, Stephen Moore (as Peter Stockman), Alan Cox (as Hovstad), Ian McKellen (as Dr Tomas Stockmann), Alisdair Simpson, Lucy Whybrow, Edward Brown / Robert Smythson, Jonathan Neal / Kai Pearce, Ralph Nossek, John Woodvine (as Aslaksen), Sally-Ann Burnett, Edward Clayton, Michael Mawby, Robert Aldous, Bryan Robson, Alan Brown, Michael Haughey, Alan White, Seymour Matthews, Chris Gillespie, Patrick Romer, Naomi Capron, Murray McArthur, Jim Creighton, Guy Manning; dir:Trevor Nunn [56pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, very extensive illustrated articles, 14 superb cast photos etc.; VG] £4

1997 (Dec): THE INVENTION OF LOVE - Tom Stoppard (Lyttelton)
John Wood (as AEH), Michael Bryant, Paul Rhys (as Housman), Stephen Mapes, Robert Portal (as Moses Jackson), William Chubb, Robin Soans, Ben Porter, Benjamin Whitrow, John Carlisle, Paul Benzing, Emma Dewhurst, Michael Fitzgerald; dir:Richard Eyre [48pp; 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, photographs, articles etc.; VG] £4

1997: LADY IN THE DARK - Kurt Weill, Moss Hart, Ira Gershwin (Lyttelton)
Maria Friedman, Hugh Ross, Charlotte Cornwell, James Dreyfus, Adrian Dunbar, Paul Shelley; dir:Francesca Zambello [44pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, photographs, articles etc.; VG] £5

1997: AMY'S VIEW - David Hare (Lyttelton)
Eoin McCarthy, Samantha Bond (as Amy Thomas), Joyce Redman, Judi Dench (as Esme Allen), Ronald Pickup, Christopher Staines; dir:Richard Eyre [40pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, photographs, articles etc.; VG] £5
1997 (Nov): CLOSER - Patrick Marber (Lyttelton)
Liza Walker, Mark Strong, Neil Dudgeon, Sally Dexter; dir:Patrick Marber [40pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, photographs, articles etc.; VG] £5

1997: CHIPS WITH EVERYTHING - Arnold Wesker (Lyttelton)
James Hazeldine (as Corporal Hill), Ian Dunn, Justin Salinger (as 266 Smith, Dicky), Shaun Parkes, Martin Walsh, Eric Coudrill, Jake Wood, Eddie Marsan (as 252 Wingate, Chas), Rupert Penry-Jones (as 276 Thompson, Pip), Julian Kerridge, Paul Reynolds, Julian Glover (as Wing Commander), Iain Mitchell, Angus Wright (as Pilot Officer), Michael Brogan, Mark Bonnar, Collin Johnson, Jean-Benoit Blanc, Simon Bowen, Gary Moynihan, Giles Smith; dir:Howard Davies [48pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, 40+ photographs, articles etc.; very full programme; VG] £5
1997 (Apr): THE CRIPPLE OF INISHMAAN - Martin McDonagh (Lyttelton)
Anita Reeves, Dearbhla Milloy, Ray McBride, Ruaidhri Conroy, Owen Sharpe, Aisling O'Sullivan, Gary Lydon, John Rogan, Doreen Hepburn; dir:Nicholas Hytner [40pp, 6.5x9.5; w.cast list, biographies, extensive illustrated articles, 10 production photos etc.; VG] £4

1997: THE HOMECOMING - Harold Pinter (Lyttelton)
David Bradley, Michael Sheen, Sam Kelly, Eddie Marsan, Keith Allen, Lindsay Duncan; dir:Roger Michell [36pp, 6.5x9.5; w.cast list, biographies, illustrated articles, photos etc.; VG] £5

1997 (Jan): THE CRIPPLE OF INISHMAAN - Martin McDonagh (Cottesloe)
Anita Reeves, Dearbhla Milloy, Ray McBride, Ruaidhri Conroy, Owen Sharpe, Aisling O'Sullivan, Gary Lydon, John Rogan, Doreen Hepburn; dir:Nicholas Hytner [16pp, 6.5x9.5; w.cast list, biographies, illustrated articles etc.; VG] £3

1997 (May): CLOSER - Patrick Marber (Cottesloe)
Liza Walker, Clive Owen, Ciaran Hinds, Sally Dexter; dir:Patrick Marber [16pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, illustrated articles, photographs, interview with Patrick Marber etc.; VG] £4
1997: KING LEAR (Cottesloe)
David Burke (as Kent), Timothy West (as Gloucester), Finbar Lynch (as Edmund), Ian Holm (as Lear), Barbara Flynn (as Goneril), Amanda Redman (as Regan), Anne-Marie Duff (as Cordelia), David Lyon, Michael Simkins, Nicholas Bailey, Adrian Irvine, Paul Rhys (as Edgar), William Osborne, Martin Chamberlain, Michael Bryant (as Lear's Fool), Paul Benzing, Harry Jones, Daniel Coonan; dir:Richard Eyre [24pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, 15 rehearsal photo, illustrated articles etc.] £5

1997: OTHELLO (Cottesloe)
Crispin Letts, Simon Russell Beale (as Iago), Trevor Peacock, David Harewood (as Othello), Colin Tierney, Clifford Rose, Ken Oxtoby, Fergus Webster, James Hayes, Jamie Leene, Francis Maguire, Claire Skinner (as Desdemona), Maureen Beattie, Indira Varma; dir:Sam Mendes [20pp, 6.5x9.5; w.cast list, biographies, illustrated articles, 16 rehearsal photos etc.; VG] £4

1997: MUTABILITIE - Frank McGuinness (Cottesloe)
Kevin Doyle, James Buller, Anton Lesser, Patrick Malahide, Lauren Bird/Katherine Wyn Davies, Sam Smith/Charles Wyn-Davies, Aisling O'Sullivan, Diana Hardcastle, Gawn Grainger, Frances Tomelty, Sean Campion, Conor McDermottroe, Alison McKenna; dir:Trevor Nunn [24pp, 6.5x9.5; w.cast list, extensive illustrated articles, rehearsal photos etc.; VG] £4

1997 (Oct): THE INVENTION OF LOVE - Tom Stoppard (Cottesloe)
John Wood (as AEH), Michael Bryant, Paul Rhys (as Housman), Stephen Mapes, Robert Portal (as Moses Jackson), William Chubb, Robin Soans, Ben Porter, Benjamin Whitrow, John Carlisle, Paul Benzing, Emma Dewhurst, Michael Fitzgerald; dir:Richard Eyre [24pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, photographs, articles etc.; VG] £4
1997: CARDIFF EAST - Peter Gill (Cottesloe)
Daniel Evans, Matthew Rhys, June Watson, Gwenllian Davies, Andrew Howard, Kenneth Cranham, Melanie Hill, Mark Lewis Jones, Susan Brown, Elizabeth Estensen, Di Botcher, Lisa Palfrey, Karl Johnson, Windsor Davies, Stacey Nelson, Lowri Palfrey, Alex Parker, Richard Pudney; dir:Peter Gill [24pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, photographs, articles etc.; VG] £4
1997 (Mch-Apr): REPERTOIRE BOOKLET (National Theatre)
THE CAUCASIAN CHALK CIRCLE (w.Kulvinder Ghir, Simon McBurney, Tim McMullan, Bruce Myers, Helene Patarot), MARAT/SADE (w.Corin Redgrave), KING LEAR (w.Ian Holm, Timothy West, Michael Bryant, David Burke, Anne-Marie Duff, Barbara Flynn, Barry Lynch, Amanda Redman, Paul Rhys, Michael Simkins), LADY IN THE DARK (w.Maria Friedman, Charlotte Cornwell, James Dreyfus, Adrian Dunbar, Hugh Ross, Paul Shelley), THE HOMECOMING (w.Keith Allen, David Bradley, Lindsay Duncan, Sam Kelly, Eddie Marsan, Michael Sheen), THE CRIPPLE OF INISHMAAN (w.Ruaidhri Conroy, Doreen Hepburn, Gary Lydon, Ray McBride, Dearbhla Molloy, Aisling O'Sullivan, Anita Reeves, John Rogan, Owen Sharpe), DEATH OF A SALESMAN (w.Alun Armstrong, Ed Bishop, Louise Jameson, Corey Johnson, David Kennedy, Shane Rimmer, Mark Strong, Marjorie Yates), CARDIFF EAST (w.Di Botcher, Susan Brown, Kenneth Cranham, Windsor Davies, Elizabeth Estensen, Daviel Evans, Karl Johnson, Mark Lewis Jones, Matthew Rhys, June Watson), GUYS AND DOLLS (w.Henry Goodman, Clarke Peters, Joanna Riding, Clive Rowe, Imelda Staunton, John Normington) [32pp, 4x8.25 full-colour illustrated booklet; booking info, cast lists, press comment, performance schedule, ticket prices, seating plans, tour details, platform performances, education events, foyer music, exhibitions, National Theatre info etc. etc.; VG] £2

1997: SKYLIGHT - David Hare (Vaudeville Theatre)
Stella Gonet (as Kyra Hollis), Theo Fraser Steele (as Edward Sergeant), Bill Nighy (as Tom Sergeant); dir:Richard Eyre [24pp, 5.75x8.25; cast list, biographies, photographs, extensive illustrated interview with David Hare w.9 photos, articles etc.; VG] £4
1997 (12-17 May): SKYLIGHT - David Hare (Yvonne Arnaud Theatre, Guildford)
Stella Gonet (as Kyra Hollis), Theo Fraser Steele (as Edward Sergeant), Bill Nighy (as Tom Sergeant); dir:Richard Eyre [36pp, 7x9.75; cast list, biographies, photographs, extensive illustrated interview with David Hare, articles etc.; VG] £4
1997 (Dec-Jan 1998): THE WASTELAND - T S Eliot (Wilton's Music Hall)
Fiona Shaw; dir:Deborah Warner [6pp, 3.9x8.25; biographies, chronology of performances, note on Wilton's Music Hall, credits etc.; VG] £1
NT Programmes: 1998

1998: PETER PAN - J M Barrie, version by John Caird and Trevor Nunn (Olivier)
Alec McCowen (as The Storyteller), Ian McKellen (as Mr Darling / Captain James Hook), Jenny Agutter (as Mrs Darling / The Never Bird), Claudie Blakely (as Wendy), Adrian Ross-Magenty (as John), Daniel Hart (as Michael), Jan Knightley (as Nana / Noodler), Liza Hayden (as Liza), Daniel Evans (as Peter Pan), Sally-Ann Burnett, Daniel Coonan, Wayne Cater, Harold Finley, Jonny Hoskins, Mark Channon, Dominic McHale, Anthony Venditti, Liam McKenna, Michael Mawby, Bryan Robson, Patrick Romer, Clive Rowe (as Smee), Robert Aldous, Murray McArthur, Natalie Tinn, Michelle Abrahams, Naomi Capron, Jim Creighton, Ben Mangham, Simon Penman; dir:John Caird with Fiona Laird [56pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies (w.childhood photos), colour rehearsal photographs, extensive illustrated articles, credits etc.; a packed programme; VG] £6

1998: AN ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE - Henrik Ibsen (Olivier)
Charlotte Cornwell (as Katerine Stockmann), Ben Porter, Stephen Moore (as Peter Stockman), Paul Higgins (as Hovstad), Ian McKellen (as Dr Tomas Stockmann), Alisdair Simpson, Isabel Pollen, Michael Fox, Kai Pearce, Edward Brown, Phillip Rouse, Ralph Nossek, Pip Donaghy, Sally-Ann Burnett, Ray Llewellyn, Michael Mawby, Robert Aldous, Glynn Sweet, Alan Brown, Michael Haughey, Alan White, Seymour Matthews, Chris Gillespie, Patrick Romer, Naomi Capron, Murray McArthur, Jim Creighton, Guy Manning; dir:Trevor Nunn [60pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, photographs, very extensive illustrated articles, 14 superb cast photos etc.] £5

1998 (June): BRASSED OFF - Mark Herman, adapted by Paul Allen (Olivier)
Sheffield Theatres Production: Freya Copeland, Peter Armitage, Kate McGeever, Adrian Bower, Shaun Dooley, Rita May, Shaaron Jackson, Bill Rodgers, Stephen Bent, Luke Peace, Andrew Smith, Edward Savage, Lauren Bird; dir:Deborah Paige [36pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, extensive illustrated articles etc.; VG] £4

1998: OKLAHOMA! - Richard Rodgers, Oscar Hammerstein (Olivier)
Maureen Lipman, Hugh Jackman, Josefina Gabrielle, David Shelmerdine, Jimmy Johnston, Shuler Hensley, Vicki Simon, Peter Polycarpou, Rebecca Thornhill, Sidney Livingstone, Stuart Milligan, Helen Anker, Julie Barnes, Warren Carlyle, Leigh Constantine, Amanda Courtney-Davies, Philip Cox, Marilyn Cutts, Zoe Dawson, Susie Dumbreck, Tom Dwyer, Howard Ellis, Shaun Henson, Sarah Ingram, Neil Johnson, Nicola Keen, Gavin Lee, Fergus Logan, Helen Missing, Craig Purnell, Kevin Wainwright, Sarah Bayliss, Chris Coleman, Elizabeth Cooper Lee, Jason Gardiner; dir:Trevor Nunn, choreography by Susan Stroman [64pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, 18 excellent colour REHEARSAL photos, extensive illustrated articles etc.; a packed programme!; VG] £5
1998: OKLAHOMA! - Richard Rodgers, Oscar Hammerstein II (Olivier)
Maureen Lipman, Hugh Jackman, Josefina Gabrielle, David Shelmerdine, Jimmy Johnston, Shuler Hensley, Vicki Simon, Peter Polycarpou, Rebecca Thornhill, Sidney Livingstone, Stuart Milligan, Helen Anker, Julie Barnes, Warren Carlyle, Leigh Constantine, Amanda Courtney-Davies, Philip Cox, Marilyn Cutts, Zoe Dawson, Susie Dumbreck, Tom Dwyer, Howard Ellis, Shaun Henson, Sarah Ingram, Neil Johnson, Nicola Keen, Gavin Lee, Fergus Logan, Helen Missing, Craig Purnell, Kevin Wainwright, Sarah Bayliss, Chris Coleman, Elizabeth Cooper Lee, Jason Gardiner; dir:Trevor Nunn, choreography by Susan Stroman [64pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, 16 excellent colour PRODUCTION photos, extensive illustrated articles etc.; a packed programme!; VG] £6

1998: FLIGHT - Mikhail Bulgakov, adapted by Ron Hutchinson (Olivier)
Michael Mueller (as Sergei Golubkov), Christopher Campbell, Collin Johnson, Jean-Benoit Blanc, Kenneth Cranham (as Major General Grisha Charnota), John Webber, Iain Mitchell, Rachel Power, Richard O'Callaghan (as Krapilin), Abigail Cruttenden (as Serafima Korzukhin), Alan Howard (as Roman Khludov), Peter Bygott, Simon Coleman, Isaac Maxwell-Hunt, Paul Blair, Christopher Campbell, John Dorney, Benny Young, Louis Hilyer, Kylie Tuffney, Chloe White, Nicholas Jones, Peter Blythe, Geoffrey Hutchings, Mark Bonnar, Guy Manning, Emma Poole, Joscelyn Best, Natasha Joseph, Rebecca Lenkiewicz; dir:Howard Davies [48pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, credits etc.; VG] £4

Alan Rickman (as Mark Antony), Samuel West (as Octavius Caesar), Raad Rawi (as Lepidus), Finbar Lynch (as Domitius Enobarbus), Leo Wringer, Mark Bonnar, Adam Magnani, Sean Francis, Giles Tomlin, Peter Bygott, Adam Croasdell, Katia Caballero, David Phelan, Gareth Harris, Henry Ian Cusick, Edward Laurie, Riz Abbasi, Razaaq Adoti, Danny Sapani (as Sextus Pompeius), Brett Fancy, Marcia Hewitt, Helen Mirren (as Cleopatra), Trevyn McDowell, Nina Sosanya, Hosh Ibrahim, Jiro Sakamoto, Janet Spencer-Turner, In-Sook Chappell; dir:Sean Mathias [56pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, 20+ colour rehearsal photos, superb colour illustrations, articles etc.; a packed programme; VG] £10

1998: THE LONDON CUCKOLDS - Edward Ravenscroft, adapted by Terry Johnson (Lyttelton)
Robin Soans, Kelly Reilly, Anthony O Donnell (as Doodle), Caroline Quentin (as Arabella), William Chubb, Sharon Small, Ben Miles (as Ned Ramble), Nigel Lindsay (as Frank Townly), Alexander Hanson (as Valentine Loveday), Hilda Braid, Charon Bourke, Ysobel Gonzalez, Joseph Murray, Malcolm Browning, Tom Peters, Roger Swaine, Morgan Symes, Richard Addison, Simon Markey, Virginia Hatton, Kate Dyson; dir:Terry Johnson [48pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, 15+ rehearsal photos, extensive illustrated articles etc.] £4

1998: THE PRIME OF MISS JEAN BRODIE - Jay Presson Allen from the novel by Muriel Spark (Lyttelton)
Susannah Wise, Fiona Shaw, Camilla Power, Nicola Wheeler, Pauline Lynch, Annette Badland, Nicholas Le Prevost, Adam Kotz, Joyce Henderson, Nicola Burnett Smith, Irene Allan, Joanna Bending, Sarah Corbett, Lindsey Fawcett, Sarah Goodchild, Joyce Henderson, Julie Maisey, Joanna Page, Diane Thornton; dir:Phyllida Lloyd [52pp, 6.5x9.5; w.cast list, biographies, 10+ rehearsal photos, very extensive illustrated articles etc.; a packed programme; VG] £4

1998: CLEO, CAMPING, EMMANUELLE AND DICK - Terry Johnson (Lyttelton)
Geoffrey Hutchings (as Sid James), Jacqueline Defferary, Adam Godley (as Kenneth Williams), Gina Bellman, Samantha Spiro (as Barbara Windsor), Kenneth MacDonald; dir:Terry Johnson [48pp, 6.5x9.5; w.cast list, biographies, 12+ colour rehearsal photos, 12 pages of illustrated articles etc.; a fascinating - and packed - programme!; VG] £5

1998: THE INVENTION OF LOVE - Tom Stoppard (Lyttelton)
John Wood (as AEH), Michael Bryant, Paul Rhys (as Housman), Stephen Mapes, Robert Portal (as Moses Jackson), William Chubb, Robin Soans, Ben Porter, Benjamin Whitrow, John Carlisle, Paul Benzing, Emma Dewhurst, Michael Fitzgerald; dir:Richard Eyre [48pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, photographs, articles etc.; VG] £4

1998: BETRAYAL - Harold Pinter (Lyttelton)
Douglas Hodge (as Jerry), Imogen Stubbs (as Emma), Anthony Calf (as Robert), Arturo Venegas; dir:Trevor Nunn [44pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, 25 photos of previous Pinter productions, rehearsal photos, articles, credits etc.] £4
1998 (19-29 Aug): TARRY FLYNN - Patrick Kavanagh, adapted by Conall Morrison (Lyttelton)
Abbey Theatre, Dublin production: James Kennedy (as Tarry Flynn), Pauline Flanagan (as Mother), Philip Judge, Derry Power, Des Nealon, Gerard Byrne, Helen Norton, Cathy White, Andrew Bennett, Brian Doherty, Tom Hickey, Deirdre Molloy, Karen Ardiff, Maire Ni Ghrainne, Lynn Cahill, Justine Doswell, Steve Blount, Ella Clarke, Jonathan Shankey, Jack Walsh, Eric Lacey, Marc O'Shea, Jayne Snow, David Collins, Sean Campion, Mary O'Driscoll, Eugene O'Brien, Niall O'Brien, Kathleen Barrington; dir:Conall Morrison [12pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, production photos, articles, credits etc.; date on cover (19/8/98), light vertical bend, else VG] £3
1998: GUIDING STAR - Jonathan Harvey (Cottesloe)
Everyman Theatre Liverpool/National Theatre co-production: Tracey Wilkinson, Colin Tierney, Tina Malone, Kieran O'Brien, Carl Rice, Samantha Lavelle, Jake Abraham, Robert Perkins, Elaine Lordan; dir:Gemma Bodinetz [24pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, photographs, articles etc.] £5

1998: COPENHAGEN - Michael Frayn (Cottesloe)
Sara Kestelman (as Margrethe Bohr), David Burke (as Niels Bohr), Matthew Marsh (as Werner Heisenberg); dir:Michael Blakemore [16pp, 6.5x9.5; w.cast list, biographies, photographs, long illustrated article by Michael Frayn etc.; VG] £4
1998: THE DAY I STOOD STILL - Kevin Elyot (Cottesloe)
Adrian Scarborough, Callum Dixon, Catherine Russell, Daisy Beaument, Geoffrey Church, Jake Wood, Joseph Swash, Oliver Milburn; dir:Ian Rickson [16pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, photographs, articles etc.] £4

1998: NOT ABOUT NIGHTINGALES - Tennessee Williams (Cottesloe)
Corin Redgrave, Sandra Dickinson, Sherri Parker Lee, Finbar Lynch, Jude Akuwudike, Carig Pinder, Mark Dexter, Richard Leaf; dir:Trevor Nunn [24pp, 6.5x9.5; w.cast list, extended illustrated feature about Tennessee Williams and Not About Nightingales, 12 rehearsal photos etc.; VG] £4

1998: CLOSER - Patrick Marber (Lyric Theatre) NT production
Liza Walker, Lloyd Owen, Neil Pearson, Frances Barber; dir:Patrick Marber [52pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, photographs, articles etc.; slightly rumpled, else VG] £4
1998: AMY'S VIEW - David Hare (Aldwych)
Eoin McCarthy, Samantha Bond, Joyce Redman, Judi Dench, Ronald Pickup, Christopher Staines; dir:Richard Eyre [44pp, 6.5x9.5; w.cast list, biographies w.large photos, 5 production photos, feature on David Hare etc.; minor marks, else VG] £4

1998: AN INSPECTOR CALLS - J B Priestley (Garrick Theatre)
Pip Miller (as Inspector Goole), Alison Fiske, John Bardon, Andrew Bridgmont, Helen Franklin, Jamie Hinde, Georgina Beer; dir:Stephen Daldry [52pp, 6.5x9.5; w.cast list, biographies, 9 production photos, illustrated articles etc.; VG] £4
1998: AN INSPECTOR CALLS - J B Priestley (Garrick Theatre)
Philip Whitchurch (as Inspector Goole), Marjorie Yates, William Gaunt, Laurence Kennedy, Sara Griffiths, Tim Steed, Diana Payne Myers; dir:Stephen Daldry [52pp, 6.5x9.5; w.cast list, biographies, 9 production photos, illustrated articles etc.; VG] £4
1998: THE INVENTION OF LOVE - Tom Stoppard (Theatre Royal, Haymarket)
John Wood (as A E Housman), David Ryall, Ben Porter (as Housman), Adam Barker, Jamie Glover, Simon Markey, Iain Mitchell, Kris Marshall, Hugh Ross, John Carlisle, Paul Benzing, Gabrielle Jourdan, David Slater; dir:Richard Eyre [48pp, 6.75x9.5; cast list, biographies, extensive illustrated articles, credits etc.; VG] £4

1998 (8-25 Apr): OH WHAT A LOVELY WAR - Joan Littlewood, Theatre Workshop, Charles Chilton, Gerry Raffles and Members of the Original Cast (Big Top at Bernie Spain Gardens, London)
David Arneil, David Birrell, Simon Day, David Grant, Clive Hayward, Richard Henders, Dean Lennox Kelly, Karl Morgan, Jackie Morrison, Elizabeth Renihan, Joanna Riding, Sonia Swaby, Kraig Thornber, Nicholas Tigg; dir:Fiona Laird [16pp, 8.25x11.75; w.cast list, biographies, 7 rehearsal photos, war poems, extensive illustrated programme notes etc.; w.ticket (11 Apr 1998); VG] £4
NT Programmes: 1999

1999 (Nov): THE MERCHANT OF VENICE (Olivier)
David Bamber (as Antonio), Peter de Jersey, Mark Umbers, Alexander Hanson (as Bassanio), Daniel Evans (as Lorenzo), Richard Henders, Derbhle Crotty (as Portia), Alex Kelly, Henry Goodman (as Shylock), Chu Omambala, Andrew French, Oscar James, Gabrielle Jourdan, Raymond Coulthard, Mark Springer, Ceri Ann Gregory, Leigh McDonald, John Nolan, David Burt, Michael Wildman, Stephen Ballantyne, Cristina Barreiro, Jim Creighton, Ruddy L Davis, Jack James, Liam McKenna, Caroline Nicholls, Antony Renshaw, Gabriel Swartland, Lawrence Werber, David Weston, David Arneil, Charles Millham; dir:Trevor Nunn [52pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, 25+ rehearsal photographs, articles etc.; VG] £4

1999: CANDIDE - Leonard Bernstein (Olivier)
Daniel Evans, Alex Kelly, Simon Day, Elizabeth Renihan, Simon Russell Beale, Denis Quilley, Myra Sands, Richard Henders, David Burt, Clive Rowe, Chu Omambala, Ceri Ann Gregory, David Arneil, Michael Wildman, Claudia Cadette, Gabrielle Jourdan, Samantha Lavender, Leigh McDonald, Jax Williams, Robert Burt, Alexander Hanson, Charles Millham, Beverley Klein, Mark Umbers, Gilz Terera; dir:John Caird/Trevor Nunn [64pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, photographs, articles etc.; a packed programme] £5

1999: MONEY - Edward Bulwer-Lytton (Olivier)
Denis Quilley (as Sir John Vesey), Sophie Okonedo (as Georgina Vesey), Patricia Hodge (as Lady Franklin), Thomas Brown-Lowe, Thomas Moll, Victoria Hamilton (as Clara Douglas), Simon Russell Beale (as Alfred Evelyn), Simon Day, Oliver Cotton, Clive Rowe, Roger Allam (as Henry Graves), David Weston, Jack James, Liam Mckenna, Martin Chamberlain, David Arneil, Myra Sands, Robert Burt, Ruddy L Davis, Jasper Britton (as Captain Dudley Smooth), Michael Bryant (as Old Member), Jim Creighton, Charles Millham, Samantha Lavender, Elizabeth Renihan, Aislinn Sands; dir:John Caird [56pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, photographs, articles etc.; a packed programme] £5

1999: SUMMERFOLK - Maxim Gorky, version by Nick Dear (Olivier)
Roger Allam, Jennifer Ehle, Elizabeth Renihan, Oliver Cotton, Raymond Coulthard, Jim Creighton, Derbhle Crotty, Beverley Klein, Patricia Hodge, Victoria Hamilton, Jasper Britton, Gabrielle Jourdan, Jack James, Simon Russell Beale, Henry Goodman, Liam McKenna, David Weston, Michael Bryant, Aislinn Sands, Alex Kelly, Robert Burt, Myra Sands, Martin Chamberlain, Richard Henders, Leigh McDonald, Ceri Ann Gregory; dir:Trevor Nunn and Fiona Buffini [56pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, extensive illustrated articles, rehearsal photos etc.; a packed programme; VG] £4

Oscar James (as Priam), Dhobi Oparei (as Hector), Chu Omambala (as Paris), Mark Springer, Vernon Douglas, Peter De Jersey (as Troilus), Michael Wildman, Andrew French (as Aeneas), Jax Williams, Sara Powell, Ruddy L Davis, Sophie Okonedo (as Cressida), David Bamber (as Pandarus), Gilz Terera, Claudia Cadette, Oliver Cotton (as Agamemnon), David Burt, Aislinn Sands (as Helen), Raymond Coulthard, Simon Day, Roger Allam (as Ulysses), Denis Quilley (as Nestor), Alexander Hanson (as Diomedes), Daniel Evans (as Patroclus), Jasper Britton (as Thersites), Mark Umbers, John Nolan, David Arneil, Robert Burt, Martin Chamberlain, Jim Creighton, Jack James, Samantha Lavender, Liam McKenna, Charles Millham, David Weston; dir:Trevor Nunn [56pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies with photographs, articles etc.; a packed programme; VG] £4

1999: PRIVATE LIVES - Noel Coward (Lyttelton)
Rebecca Saire (as Sibyl Chase), Anton Lesser (as Elyot Chase), Dominic Rowan (as Victor Prynne), Juliet Stevenson (as Amanda Prynne), Darlene Johnson (as Louise); dir:Philip Franks [56pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, rehearsal photographs, extensive illustrated articles etc.; VG] £4

1999: THE FOREST - Alexander Ostrovsky, version by Alan Ayckbourn (Lyttelton)
Niamh Linehan, Frank Windsor, David Bark-Jones, Julie Legrand, Frances de la Tour, Royce Mills, Windsor Davies, Peter Gowen, Darren Tighe, Michael Feast, Michael Williams; dir:Anthony Page [56pp, 6.5x9.5; w.cast list, biographies, illustrations, articles, rehearsal photos etc.; a packed programme; VG] £4

1999: LOOK BACK IN ANGER - John Osborne (Lyttelton)
Michael Sheen, Jason Hughes, Emma Fielding, Matilda Ziegler, William Gaunt; dir:Gregory Hersov [56pp, 6.5x9.5; w.cast list, biographies, copious illustrated articles, rehearsal photos etc.; VG] £5
1999 (April): GEOMETRY OF MIRACLES - Robert Lepage and Ex Machina (Lyttelton)
Tea Alagic, Daniel Belanger, Jean-Francois Blanchard, Marie Brassard, Denis Gaudreault, Tony Guilfoyle, Catherine Martin, Kevin McCoy, Rick Miller/Jasper Wood, Thaddeus Phillips, Rodrigue Proteau; dir:Robert Lepage [16pp, 6.5x9.5; w.cast list, biographies, illustrated articles, photos etc.; VG] £3

1999: REMEMBER THIS - Stephen Poliakoff (Lyttelton)
Serena Evans, Stanley Townsend, Tam Williams, Annabelle Apsion, Geraldine Somerville, Seymour Matthews, Colin Hurley, James Duke; dir:Ron Daniels [56pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, rehearsal photographs, extensive illustrated articles etc.; VG] £3

1999: THE COLLEEN BAWN - Dion Boucicault (Lyttelton)
Abbey Theatre, Dublin production: Liz Kuti, Alison McKenna, Peter O'Meara, Barbara Brennan, Sean Rocks, Bosco Hogan, Des Keogh, Rosaleen Linehan, Pat Kinevane, Darragh Kelly, Mal Whyte, Denis Conway, Alice Barry, Liz Keller, Gerry McCann, Diane O'Keeffe, Enda Kilroy; dir:Conall Morrison [16pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, production photographs, articles etc.; VG] £3

1999: THE DARKER FACE OF THE EARTH - Rita Dove (Cottesloe)
Tanya Moodie, Jax Williams, Oscar James, Sara Powell, Saskia Reeves, John Nolan, Phillip Joseph, Miquel Brown, Vernon Douglas, Chu Omambala, Sam Douglas, Peter de Jersey, Cyril I Nri, Andrew French, Gilz Terera, Mark Springer; dir:James Kerr [24pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, rehearsal photos, illustrated articles etc.; VG] £3

1999 (Jun): THE MERCHANT OF VENICE (Cottesloe)
David Bamber (as Antonio), Peter de Jersey, Mark Umbers, Alexander Hanson (as Bassanio), Daniel Evans (as Lorenzo), Richard Henders, Derbhle Crotty (as Portia), Alex Kelly, Henry Goodman (as Shylock), Chu Omambala, Andrew French, Oscar James, Gabrielle Jourdan, Raymond Coulthard, Mark Springer, John Nolan, Ceri Ann Gregory, Leigh McDonald, David Burt, Michael Wildman, David Arneil, Jim Creighton, Jack James, Liam McKenna, Charles Millham; dir:Trevor Nunn [16pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, rehearsal photographs, articles etc.; VG] £3

1999: THE RIOT - Nick Darke (Cottesloe)
Tristan Sturrock, Carl Grose, Roger Morlidge, Mary Woodvine, Mike Shepherd, Geoffrey Hutchings, Terry Taplin, Sue Hill, Charlie Barnecut, Emma Rice, Bec Applebee, Colin Seddon; dir:Mike Shepherd [16pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, 15 rehearsal photographs, articles, credits etc.; VG] £3

1999: THE ORESTEIA: The Home Guard, The Daughters of Darkness - Aeschylus, version by Ted Hughes (Cottesloe)
Lilo Baur (as Nurse / Cassandra / Electra), Robert Bowman (as Elder / Herald / Pylades / Hermes), Michael Gould (as Elder / Agamemnon / Apollo), Sebastian Harcombe (as Elder / Aegisthus), Anastasia Hille (as Nurse / Clytemnestra / Trojan Slave), Paul Hilton (as Watchman / Elder / Orestes), Melissa Holding, Wendy Kweh, Ineke Lievens, Joy Richardson, Asta Sighvats (as Iphigenia / Trojan Slave), Joe Townsend; dir:Katie Mitchell [22pp, 6.5x9.5; cast list, biographies, photographs, extensive articles, family tree, credits etc.; VG] £3

1999: ROSE - Martin Sherman (Cottesloe)
Olympia Dukakis; dir:Nancy Meckler [16pp, 6.5x9.5; company biographies, rehearsal photos, very extensive illustrated articles, credits etc.; VG] £3

1999 (July): BT NATIONAL CONNECTIONS (Cottesloe/Olivier)
A Nationwide celebration of youth theatre commissioned by the Royal National Theatre with the support of BT. Cast lists and credits for the 10 plays presented: GIZMO (Alan Ayckbourn), CAN YOU KEEP A SECRET? (Winsome Pinnock), EARLY MAN (Hannah Vincent), DON'T EAT LITTLE CHARLIE (Tankred Dorst with Ursula Ehler), TAKING BREATH (Sarah Daniels), AFTER JULIET (Sharman Macdonald), THE KING OF THE CASTLE (Christina Reid), FRIENDLY FIRE (Peter Gill), THE PILGRIMAGE (Paul Goetzee), THE DEVIL IN DRAG (Dario Fo). Performed by Northern Theatre Company and School of Performing Arts, Hull; Half Moon Young People's Theatre, London; Penrice School, St.Austell, Cornwall; Theatre Royal Bath Youth Theatre; Hall Green Little Theatre Youth Section, Birmingham; Cardiff High School, Cardiff, Wales; St.Cuthman's School, Midhurst, West Sussex; West Lothian Youth Theatre, Scotland; Methody Drama, Belfast, Northern Ireland; Strode's College Theatre Company, Egham, Surrey; Waterford Youth Drama, Ireland; Hills Road Sixth Form College, Cambridge. Directed by Andy Feetom, Vishni Velada Billson, Sally Griffin, Russ Tunney, Holly Taylor and Roy Palmer, Mrs J Kendrick, Dale Rooks, Mari Binnie, Joan McPherson, Donna Savery, Deirdre Molloy, and Richard Fredman [20pp, 6.5x9.5; w.introductory notes by Trevor Nunn and Stephen Serpell, photos and biographies of Showcase Hosts (Jonathan Coleman, Arabella Weir, Jo Brand, David McFetridge, Ken Campbell, Graham Norton) etc.; VG] £4

1999: AN INSPECTOR CALLS - J B Priestley (Garrick)
Mark Arden (as Inspector Goole), Alison Fiske, Bernard Kay, Crispin Letts, Jacqueline Charlesworth, Daniel Fredenburgh, Elizabeth Ross; dir:Stephen Daldry [52pp, 6.8x9.75; w.cast list, biographies, 9 production photos, extensive illustrated articles, credits etc.; VG] £4

1999: COPENHAGEN - Michael Frayn (Duchess Theatre)
Corinna Marlowe, David Baron, William Brand; dir:Michael Blakemore [44pp, 6.9x9.75; w.cast list, large photos and biographies, illustrations, articles, photos etc.; VG] £4

1999: OKLAHOMA! - Richard Rodgers, Oscar Hammerstein (Lyceum Theatre)
Maureen Lipman (as Aunt Eller), Hugh Jackman (as Curly), Josefina Gabrielle (as Laurey), Shuler Hensley (as Jud Fry), David Shelmerdine, Jimmy Johnston (as Will Parker), Vicki Simon (as Ado Annie), Peter Polycarpou, Rebecca Thornhill, Sidney Livingstone, Mark Heenahan, Helen Anker, Julie Barnes, Madeliane Brennan, David Lucas, Leigh Constantine, Amanda Courtney-Davies, Marilyn Cutts, Zoe Dawson, Susie Dumbreck, Tom Dwyer, Howard Ellis, Davor Golub, Philip Hazelby, Shaun Henson, Sarah Ingram, Sebastian Rose, Nicola Keen, Luke Baxter, Fergus Logan, Kevin Wainwright, Sarah Bayliss, Chris Coleman, Elizabeth Cooper Gee, Ben Garner, Charles Hallion, Charles Dower, Lorna Bullivant, Billie North, Ben Ibbott, Russell Ducker, Charlotte Mahoney, Emma Mack, Tanya Godbeer, Meghan Haggerty, Adam Rixson, Ruan Crighton, Phoebe Keane, Francesca Dunning, J J Beckford, Joseph Dodd; dir:Trevor Nunn [52pp, 6.75x9.75; cast list, biographies, 60+ cast and production photographs (many in colour), articles etc.; very slightly rumpled, else VG] £5
1999: OKLAHOMA! - Richard Rodgers, Oscar Hammerstein (Lyceum Theatre)
Maureen Lipman (as Aunt Eller), Hugh Jackman (as Curly), Josefina Gabrielle (as Laurey), David Shelmerdine, Jimmy Johnston (as Will Parker), Shuler Hensley (as Jud Fry), Vicki Simon (as Ado Annie), Peter Polycarpou, Rebecca Thornhill, Sidney Livingstone, Mark Heenahan, Helen Anker, Julie Barnes, David Lucas, Leigh Constantine, Amanda Courtney-Davies, Philip Cox, Marilyn Cutts, Zoe Dawson, Susie Dumbreck, Tom Dwyer, Howard Ellis, Shaun Henson, Sarah Ingram, Sebastian Rose, Nicola Keen, Luke Baxter, Fergus Logan, Helen Missing, Craig Purnell, Kevin Wainwright, Sarah Bayliss, Chris Coleman, Elizabeth Cooper Gee, Ben Garner, Charles Hallion, Charles Dower, Lorna Bullivant, Billie North, Ben Ibbott, Russell Ducker, Charlotte Mahoney, Emma Mack; dir:Trevor Nunn [52pp, 6.75x9.75; cast list, biographies, 60+ cast and production photographs (many in colour), articles etc.; very slightly rumpled, else VG] £5

2000 on